New from Magic Lab? New 5×8″ reel (New 2017, video+)

Reel manufacturers are multiplying like mushrooms, but what is so interesting about Magic — First of all, it is the country of production. For diggers living in Russia, this is an interesting option, because production in the Russian Federation should guarantee that prices remain at the same level, although I cannot say that components are not purchased in dollars from China, which sometimes affects price changes if the dollar exchange rate suddenly strengthens, for the umpteenth time. Although, much higher?

So, it seems that the guys from Zelenograd have seriously taken up expanding the model range, with one model for 13″ You won’t be full, you need to do something new and interesting, but how can you surprise the diggers now? At the price, first of all. So they produce a useful size 5×8″. Why Useful? From my own experience, I understand that round small coils of 5″ +/- 1″ not the most convenient solution, in my opinion, it is better to make an elongated coil. This one will crawl freely between trees and bushes, this one can also crawl between stones/foundation and see what and how. Let’s look at the price!

There are many new products in 2017. And how many more will there be? All new items for 2017 are collected in the corresponding section!

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