“Pantry” rings (Competitive story of a digger)

My story from previous seasons. Somewhat romantic, somewhat mystical, but, in general, treasure-hunting in a feminine way.

Back in 2006, we were lucky enough to find a treasure. Our first real treasure! 1806 copper coins of Nicholas II, 9 kilograms of copper in a pot, buried on the corner of the foundation of the former manor’s estate. Classics of the genre. I have described the history of this treasure more than once; if you are not too lazy, pick up the file of the magazine “Antiquities and Antiquities” for 2007-2008. Due to our youth and stupidity, we sold the treasure and bought wedding rings with this money. This is what the story will be about.

One summer day, Back in 2010, my husband went to dig in a trampled and trampled field, fortunately, not far from home. He returned tired, not very happy, because there were not enough finds, and he met too many colleagues in his hobby. With a jealous look, the young wife saw the mess: “I forgot to put the ring back!” The husband, smiling, takes out from under his clothes a chain with a cross, on which he usually hangs a wedding ring during a cop. But there is no ring! Sasha is rummaging through his pockets – there is no ring! I rummaged through everything in the car, pulled up the rugs – no ring!

— Soooo, — I say — husband! What a disgrace this is? You look like a young, single man? Look at me, you won’t find a ring, I’ll make a “MARRIED” tattoo on your forehead!

— It probably fell off the chain in the field. I’ll go tomorrow and look.

— At least I remembered the place where I dug?

— Yes, I walked all over the field there! Moved from place to place several times!

The next day, two devices were used to rummage around the field. In all the places where my husband had gone and dug the day before. No ring! It’s easier to find a needle in a haystack – at least it’s magnetic and the location is known exactly! We thought and thought, searched and searched… It’s a pity that the ring was bought for treasure, it’s a treasured memory! They already wanted to contact their colleagues, throw a cry on the forums, they say, whoever finds a wedding ring at the site of the village of R., please return it for a reward. They searched again, grieved, and came to terms with the loss. We decided how free money would appear — let’s buy a new one.

The years passed as usual, a lot happened, several treasure hunting seasons followed, bringing both interesting finds and unforgettable impressions. Sometimes they remembered about the ring, joked, if we went to the supposed field with our “lost one”, sighed, everyone was going to buy a new one.

And so, in 2014, we had a few free days. We decided to go to the place where the treasure was once found. The gentleman who lived here a century ago was clearly no fool and an esthete of all kinds. The high bank of the Western Dvina, a picturesque bend, a wide horizon offering a breathtaking view of fields and forests, buried in the damp haze of early May. And in the hot summer, you can plunge into the rapids of the deep, great river and then come out onto the green, sunny terrace formed by the bank right in front of the house. Or sit quietly in the shade of the linden trees with a fishing rod, watching your wife and children leisurely stroll through the park. And in the fall, from the balcony of the house, observe the “lush withering” of nature and enjoy a hot samovar and crispy salted milk mushrooms, listening to the manager’s report on the harvest. Ehh, good! This is probably what the master thought as he looked at the construction of the house. We thought so too, sadly looking around at the ruins of the main house, the greenhouse and also the foundation of a small house, on the corner of which we once were…

— But in two years it will be 10 years since the treasure was found.

— It’s already been 8 years?! Yes, time flies quickly. It’s a pity, the treasure was sold…

— Yes, and they lost the ring… Do you remember, you wanted to build a house here?

— And now I want it! Let’s get rich and build!…

With smiles we went off to search. Sasha immediately ran to the end of the linden alley. I, after standing on the shore a little longer, slowly walked towards the well. And then a weak but pleasant squeak of a metal detector, I dig, turning out a lump of earth, I check. Notch in the dump. I’m taking the big lump apart piece by piece, getting ready to ring the bell, and then I remember that I have rings on both hands. I have to take off the gold and silver and think about where to put it, because one of the rings is not closed and you can’t hang it on a chain. A treasure-hunting “belly” bag for finds with a very suitable small pocket with a zipper comes to hand. I open my pocket, and there… gold wedding ring!

Silently I go to my husband.

— Give me your right hand!

— Why? I’m digging, I’m covered in the ground, take off my gloves…

— Come on, come on, they tell you!

Sasha silently extends his hand, and I put a ring on his ring finger, which fits perfectly.

— Where did you find him?! Is this my ring? Yes, definitely mine! From?!

— Yes, it was in my bag, in my pocket.

— Where is the bag from?

— I took it at home without looking, it hung on a hanger under my jackets.

— This is necessary! Found it in the storage room! Now we’ll definitely have to build a house here!

Laughing, everyone went to their own hole. How ironic fate is! The ring was “found” in the very place where the treasure was found, with the money from the sale of which the ring was purchased. The circle is closed. This is how life plays jokes across years and distances! And what else awaits us ahead?

We’ll definitely build a house there. We’ll just get rich!…

P.S. We are still surprised and wonder how this could even happen. Sasha practically doesn’t use lost-and-found bags; he prefers an unloading vest. We have 5-6 of these bags, all won at rallies, and are currently scattered in different proportions across three houses. From the moment the ring went missing, we moved from Moscow to the Moscow region, then to the Kostroma region, then to the Tver region, then returned to the Moscow region. The ring was “lost” in the Moscow region. And found in the Tver region…

Sent by Maria T.

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Coin diggingCompetitive history of the digger 2016Findsв мире
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