See finds in a dream and… Dig them up the next day! (Competitive story of a digger)

And here is my story. Whether it is true or a story, everyone will decide for himself, but I will describe everything as it happened.
As fate would have it, my wife comes from Polesie, a region with amazingly beautiful nature and unusually sincere people . So we go to my wife’s parents, 300 km away, about once a month. My Tatyana’s brother also lives there. Naturally, when he found out about my hobby, he immediately suggested a bunch of places – there’s a tank in a swamp, the locals said that’s where the master buried cast iron gold, and on that mountain there was a church and it went underground. In short, a standard set. We talked, he kept hinting, like, take the treasure with you to dig up, we talked and forgot for a while.
And then we were chatting about this and that, and he told me that their apple trees were sick, turning black and rotting. And he said that he had to go to the forest for apples, where three old but strong apple trees grow.
But this information interested me, varietal apple trees just don’t grow in the forest. So there was a house there.
I asked my father-in-law, he told me that not so long ago, before land reclamation was carried out, the entire area was a solid swamp and people lived only on rare hills . And even now you can’t always get to where the apple trees grow. He says there were farms there «beyond the Polish hour», as they call the interwar period, when that part of Belarus belonged to Poland.
My father-in-law, by the way, comes from the Merlinsky farms, this is the very wilderness of Polesie. The Olman swamps, in the 60s, the Thais set up a huge testing ground and, it seems, even tested nuclear weapons. My father-in-law, by the way, said that they learned about the war only in 1943, because… They lived practically on a subsistence basis, going out to the mainland during frosts or severe drought, when it was possible to get through the swamp. But that’s a different story. And so the introduction turned out to be long.
In general, the next time my wife and I went to our relatives, taking the 250th ICQ. We went by train and arrived only at 4 am, then an hour of waiting and another hour by an old, cold bus. In short, we got to the mother-in-law without sleep. We ate (and how the mother-in-law cooks is the story of stories) and then my brother-in-law pulled up in the service field. My wife stayed at home, although she is also ill with a cop, albeit in a mild form, and we set out to look for a farm.
The places turned out to be wild, but it was quite possible to drive through, at least on Niva. The first farm identified itself with those same apple trees. The finds included axes, a copper spoon, wire, a horseshoe, and the like. The device was taken one by one. I dug large iron due to the lack of clear color signals, my brother-in-law dug everything in a row with sheer enthusiasm, he didn’t care what he was digging. I had a lot of fun when I dug out the iron rim from the barrel, in the center of which there was an awesome signal. He dug a hole almost to his waist. I think many people have come across such good stuff.
By the way, on this day I experienced real envy. For the first time in many years. When the brother-in-law found 2 kopecks of Nicholas II. Naturally, I was not jealous of the coin, but of that sincere joy, those dances and screams with which my partner expressed his delight. I’ve been digging not so long ago, about 5 years, but this wild adrenaline from every discovery has already disappeared, all that remains is the pleasure of the process itself. No, of course, a good find brings emotions, but not the same as during the first trips with the device.
After lunch we made our way further into the forest and found another farm — a clearing on a hill with a huge lilac bush in the center. The finds were about the same as in the first place, plus I came across a 2 Polish grosz coin from the late 30s. The brother-in-law got into trouble, believing that the biggest fish could be caught on the other side, i.e. the best finds are somewhere far away. And I reasoned that since it’s still squelching underfoot there, then at the time when people lived here, before land reclamation, there was actually water there. Plus a sleepless night. Long story short, I fell asleep. And I dreamed that I saw a pine tree, there were three birds on it, and under it a rider on a black horse. But kind of blurry. I want to come up and look at him, and he’ll just take it and gallop away. And the birds flew away after him. I approach, which means that in the hole from the hoof lies a gold piece. So shiny, it shines like the sun. Well, that’s when I woke up.
 My happy brother-in-law pulled a truck from an unknown vehicle, and let’s unload all the ferrous metal found into the trunk. Well, let me think I’ll go further and dig out the last signal. I walked another 100 meters and noticed a pine tree on a small hill. And near her I heard a clear coin signal. That’s right, one more Polish penny, two steps later another one. And a little further away there was a large copper coin, all covered in sand and oxides.
And then my brother-in-law signaled, let’s go home. I put the coin in my pocket and moved towards the car.
Already at home, showing his findings to his wife, he laid out all four coins on the table. And then I went nuts, remembering my dream. Here they are, three birds – three eagles on Polish coins and the horseman – St. George the Victorious. The fourth coin turned out to be Elizaveta Petrovna’s kopeck piece…

In short, this I had a coincidence for the first time in my life. Or maybe it’s not a coincidence and the chervonets from the dream lies and waits for me under the same pine tree.
So I didn’t get to that place again that season, but spring is coming and I believe that where part of the dream came true, the second one will come true. I haven’t found gold yet, but I want to. And not so much because of the material value, but precisely because of the emotions that can be obtained from a good find.
Thank you to everyone who read my writing to the end, good signals to everyone coil!

Sent by Peter V.

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Coin diggingCompetitive history of the digger 2016FindsMysticismв мире
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