Coins for a Needle (Competitive Digger Story 2017!)

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Good day everyone!
I may have gone a little off topic, but I still want to tell you a story.
When I was about 8 years old, I was told many stories about my great-grandmother, whom I, unfortunately, did not meet. But some of them still haunt me, in the good sense of the word. So, I will begin my story.

My grandmother, that is, the daughter of her great-grandmother, still talks about this story. Around 1950, or a little earlier, or a little later; She moved to another village, thereby to a new home. Church ministers lived in that house. Then they moved somewhere, I don’t know exactly. At that time, the house was ordinary and did not attract any attention. And so, I don’t know why, but my great-grandmother climbed into the attic of this house, there were some things of the old owners, and among these things, as they tell me, there were Tsar’s coins. As a child, I listened to this as some kind of mysterious story. But at this time, this story interested me. So, maybe I was exaggerated, but she collected a whole bucket of coins there. So I ask grandma «what kind of coins?» She replies: «Well, I understand something about them, especially since I was a child». I then answer: «what exactly was written or drawn on them?» In response to my question, I receive a shocking answer: «There were such beautiful letters E, P. » When she told me about these same «letters»she thereby pointed with her finger on the table, that is, relatively speaking, she traced across the tablecloth those capital letters that were written on the coins.
I can listen to this story many times… Many may consider this to be nonsense and fiction. But my grandmother says so, with such truthfulness, and I think why lie to her, especially to a loved one.

Coins for a needle (Competitive story of a digger 2017!)And I will continue this story:
This story has a very sad ending. At the same time, these coins were not valued and, moreover, a village person had no use for them. These same coins with «letters» E, P. were given to some person, I didn’t understand. Imagine, a whole bucket of royal coins was given for the Clamp Needle! I think it’s painfully cool — a whole bucket of royal coins for a simple needle. Maybe he gave her a few more trinkets, but that doesn’t change the essence.
Thank you.

Sent by Victoria S.

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