Garrett AT PRO: unusual improvements. Photos

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What component in the Garrett AT PRO is the first to break down? According to the service center statistics, these are the locking collars, a battery holder and a control box breaking off the shaft. Here are the photos of an unusually improved Garrett AT PRO.


This is the new made Garrett AT PRO that has only the circuit board and control panel left from the original device. All the rest – the housing, shaft, locks and armrest – are assembled independently.


What’s interesting is that the detector is powered using a 2500 mAh rechargeable battery pack. Also, it has another headphone jack. See the examples of waterproof headphone jacks here. There you can also find an idea of how to make a headphone socket on the shaft.



All content related to the Garrett AT PRO metal detector is collected here (news, photos, videos, comparisons, tests) and on Knowledgebase pages (specs, features, search coils, manual). Note that the Knowledgebase now has metal detector repair sub-pages – e.g., all about the Garrett AT PRO repair.

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