Story about “Black Diggers” from the Russia24 channel (funny+)

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Facepalm! That feeling when the plot seems to be custom-made, and the problem is deliberately sucked out of thin air, for the sake of the interests of a certain circle of people. I just don’t understand what kind of circle it is and why they need it?

If we talk about the price of finds — everyone managed to sell their bullets for 500 rubles? If only this were reality 🙂 And every digger would drive a new Lexus and not even on credit. 100 bullets and you have half a million rubles, oh, sweet pink and snotty dreams.

However, let’s return to the topic — what’s the point of creating a problem? What’s the point? Why not put things on stream and take the experience of neighboring countries into service? After all, diggers can be made into a good community of amateur archaeologists, trained them, given the opportunity to legally do their hobbies, and in return they will bring a lot of news, finds and can somehow influence the understanding of past history locally.

Blacks are those who open up mounds with tractors for profit, and sell a lot to terrorists, but not those who simply walk into the field with a metal detector for hours and dig up traffic jams.

In general, take a look and you definitely won’t be left without a smile.

What do you think about the plot? Whose order could this be? Could it be sellers of metal detectors who want to increase MD sales?

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