просмотр тегов


Pinpointer on a stick 2. Genius or crazy?

Take two pinpointers and make a T-mop of them. It’s possible you’ll find something and get a kick out of unusual beach hunting. Here’s a video to watch (interesting, don’t miss it!). The screenshots for those who…

Summer video with mosquitoes and pine trees

We've had light rain for the third day, it's hard to describe how nasty the rain is, and the second day I went digging with Nokta. After two hours, the cop in my Bundes boots began to squelch in the rain. In general, the cop didn’t go well…

XP WS5 headphones unboxing review. Video

Do you know how much the XP WS5 headphones cost? These are probably the most expensive metal detector headphones – costing as much as two Garrett ACE machines. Here’s a video to watch: XP WS5 headphones unboxing review provided by…