The harsh everyday life of a military cop (News from the fields, video+)

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Digging for war is not an easy task. In America, local diggers walk along golf courses and pick up various bullets from the first rifled guns, but in our specific situation, walking along a golf course is very rare. Have you been digging for war, oh young padawan?

There is no point in venturing into the forest without thorough preparation. You need to know what happened in this place and what to expect. An ordinary shootout or, as in this video, heavy fighting to escape the encirclement. The fighters should still be down, info 100%.

When helmets come out of the swamp, Mosin rifles one after another and even… anti-tank rifle! Here even I opened my mouth in surprise, everything was intact and with shutters! Beautiful!

Standard — the pit of the dugout and what comes out of the pancake. Various swag of the digger — mugs, spoons and other small things are nice.

Fat swag dugouts to everyone! SS, no less! 😉 No fluff! Watch and tune in this weekend.

Do you want to watch what others are digging at night and get motivated? News from the fields — there are all the videos of the cop with bold and not so bold finds.

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