A conspiracy for a treasure, secret maps and an archaeologist’s “crust”. Popular fraud schemes against treasure hunters

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Treasure hunters and lovers of instrumental searching are passionate people. At times, this hobby can go beyond the limits of reason and logic, from which a person can easily fall for the promises of various kinds of scammers and covetous people. So, I want to talk about the most interesting, from my point of view, methods for fairly honestly taking money from lovers of instrumental search.

be careful scam

Metal detector at half price. What does it look like? Of course, most of us, before making an expensive purchase, try to search the Internet for the best price for ourselves. And, here, here are those on!!! Exactly the same metal detector at half the price of its competitors. For those who do not believe in miracles, there is a clarification that the device is slightly used, or there is a promotion, or the warehouse is being liquidated, or it is scratched and unsaleable. There are many options, the main thing is that there is a metal detector, come and buy it. Not the price, but the fairy tale!!! Dream!!!

One problem: there is no delivery, the courier is sick or payment is only at the cash register. In general, a person arrives at the address, and there he finds out that his metal detector was bought and taken away literally an hour ago. No luck… and, at this moment, of course, I would look around and think. That the store is somehow strange, it looks more like a warehouse in the process of moving. And, an inner voice says that we need to get out of here. But here the seller, including all his charm and politeness, says that they now have other very profitable, unique and definitely tempting offers on sale. And, if you don’t have money for your dream, then you can get a loan. The main thing is that the dream is very close.

As a result, the unfortunate buyer begins to realize already on the second day that his metal detector is not what he wanted, and the loan is incomprehensible, and in general he could have bought the same device with delivery from China at a much cheaper price.


Secret clubs of treasure hunters. It should be noted that this type of scam came into the field of instrumental search from the topic of sports betting. As there? And, there, some big-time blogger is shaking wads of cash while sitting in an expensive car and says that he earned all this in just a week by making the right bets. “Do you want me to teach you too?” “Of course we want!!!” “Here you go, my free advice. What, free advice doesn’t work??? So you subscribe to paid content, just fifty thousand a month.”

How does this work in instrument search? Yes, about the same. A new digger's channel appears on YouTube. And, what’s not a video, there are handfuls of silver and unbroken villagers. “Do you want me to teach you how to find such places?” “Of course we want,” the audience responds. “Well, then write to me in a personal message.”

People write, and in response, “Which region are you interested in?” and the blogger sends this to a dozen or two coordinate points where, according to his estimates and outlines, there should be fatty places. In fact, these turn out to be coordinates from the AKR (Archaeological Map of Russia). However, this is enough for a start, especially for those who do not know what ACR is. Places at such points were copana percopanas back in the 90s, and yet, as bait for suckers, it works. Want real places? Buy a paid subscription, or order for money, a more detailed plan with coordinates of points in your area. No money? You can take a loan)))


A bit of everything. Here I will list other types of fraud.

Open sheets, or crusts of an archaeologist's assistant. In 2013, when the most criminal article 243.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was adopted here, many cops, without understanding the details, rushed to buy certificates for archaeologist assistants. It is clear that if there is demand, there will always be supply.

All kinds of fortune tellers and sorcerers of different colors and suits work according to the same scheme. There will be demand and there will be supply. I did some googling here. And the price tag for a treasure plot varies from 5,000 to… oh, here’s how much the “client” will be willing to give out. (no money, take a loan) And, of course, everyone has a 100% quality guarantee.

A conspiracy for a treasure, secret maps and an archaeologist’s “crust”. Popular fraud schemes against treasure hunters

In conclusion to the topic. A sucker is not a mammoth – a sucker will not go extinct. There are many more individual stories about how and under what circumstances lovers of instrument squeaks, unwittingly, ended up with money. But, I would like to hear your stories, dear readers of our blog. Maybe you have something interesting in your luggage of tales and tales???

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