A dangerous place full of finds – Bolshoi Tyuters Island (+ epic photos!)

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Many of the comrades constantly complain that «there are no places for a cop, everything has been knocked out, there is nothing to look for». It is quite possible that every year there are fewer and fewer of these places. There is even a phrase that now, in the entire territory from Moscow to Brest, not a single piece of a tank caterpillar can be found, let alone any more or less epic finds. But let people continue to think so, you and I will go to the islands — the first among them will be Big Tyuters.

War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war

Briefly about where it is — If you draw a straight line in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) from the borders of Russia, Finland and Estonia, then somewhere near the junction of these lines there will be the island of Bolshoi Tyuters. There is also Maly Tyuters, but it is located 15 km from Big Brother.

War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war < /p>

Brief history: for many centuries it was a haven for dashing people — robbers, pirates, smugglers, etc., who loved to profit from other people’s goods on those sailing from Rus’ to the West — to Germany, Sweden, Poland and other merchant ships. Then times became calmer and in the 18th century Finnish fishermen settled on the island, who lived in a small village until 1939 (Almost). The wooden Lutheran church stood even until the 2000s, then, alas, it burned down. Before WWI, His Majesty the Imp. All-Russian and other Nicholas II built a sea fortress on the island to prevent the Kaiser’s fleet from reaching Petrograd, and during the Winter War the island was used by units of the Finnish Army. In general, there is a lot of history, but the most interesting takes place during the Second World War.

War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war < /p>

During the Great Patriotic War, in 1941, units of the Red Army abandoned the island and it was quickly occupied by German troops, who thus kept almost the entire Baltic Fleet in «Marquise Puddle». Soviet troops tried to capture the island, landed troops and reconnaissance groups, but alas, this did not bring success, until in 1944, due to the changed operational situation at the front in the Baltic States and Finland, the Germans left the island in a hurry, leaving all their equipment on it. material part: cannons, machine guns, searchlights, property and even camp stoves. All the goods, naturally, were spoiled to avoid the use of all the property by the Soviet troops, and so everything stood until our times.

War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war

There are various «tales from the Crypt», more about them and about the Russian Geographical Society expedition to the island in this film (lovely views, of course!):


Below I have put together a gallery of photographs that were taken by various guys who visited the island over the past five to seven years. I will say right away that it is quite difficult to get to the island; it is located in the border zone, and therefore you must obtain different permits to visit it. But it’s worth it! There are also plenty of rare exhibits, and how many other different swag are hidden in the soil of the island — dig not dig up:

War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoy Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS warWar cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war
War cop Bolshoi Tyuters Island photo finds of WWII equipment Wehrmacht SS war

And soon many of these finds will take their rightful place in museums.

We would like to be on such an island? I would be all for it! And I’m collecting everything about the war here, there will be a lot of interesting things ahead. 😉

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