A secret technique for determining iron using MD Fisher and Teknetics (works!, secrets of the cop+)

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Digging season is in full swing, which means we need to find and publish more tips and secrets of digging so that every comrade’s season starts productively and with a large number of finds! We will share our secrets, other people’s secrets (who will share) and the secrets that we find on the Internet (and there are a lot of them!).

Here, in the video translated by the guys from Terrapoisk, it is clearly shown how you can check the signal on a cop if you have a device from Fisher or Teknetics. It should also work with Nokta/Macro, even with Deteknix and other devices that are based on the developments of the companies mentioned above. Yes, it works, but every time we recommend that everyone be guided by the following postulate: «if in doubt — dig!».

The rule works flawlessly. 🙂

Good cop!

Find more cop secrets? We’ve got them. 🙂 We collect all the useful secrets for diggers here. Comrade comrade always helps out, so if you have your own secrets and want to share — write to us, we will publish it! Share your experience!

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