Blonde and a bracelet or the story of one cop (Competitive story of a digger!)

0 54

A comrade and I were once digging in a field near a village. It was a fine April day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and young grass was growing through. The mood is great, after a long winter it’s our third trip, and we’re so lucky with the weather! We walk across the field, beeping with instruments, we have already picked up something around the empire. I have a good signal under the coil, I’m digging, my breath is gone from joy! Sharyu «pin» in the hole, somewhere nearby, here is the treasured round piece, a small silver coin, Catherine II’s ten-kopeck piece! I was about to shout to the comrade, when suddenly I heard the whistle of brakes on the road, which is about a hundred meters from me.

Blonde and a bracelet or the story of one cop (Competitive story of a digger!)


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