Coin Stove (Digger's Competitive Story!)

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Good day! I've been planning this for a long time and finally decided to write my story. I'm afraid that if it is published, there may be a lot of angry reviews, but I hope for the best. Believe it or not in this story. You will understand why they are angry as the story progresses. Let's start… Not far from the most ancient city of the Tula region, Belyov, there is a village in which I have a house. The village is also old and decently old.. And in the summer of 2017 I came to visit the property, since the house there is used as a summer house.. And I didn’t just come, I came to dig, just to try out my homemade product, since the Internet is now full of schemes for making metal detectors.. I’ll say right away , I don’t have a real seeker, it’s so expensive for me and you’ll understand why later… although before this incident I was already planning to buy it, scraped together some money, and with homemade stuff for exploration, since 5-7 years ago when digging a new well they were found buttons with a double-headed eagle, several pectoral crosses and coins, which were transferred to the city museum… Well, I arrived for approximately a couple of days, but it was more passion, and more my principle and perseverance, which later brought me… the first For two days I dug around the yard and the neighboring field next to the garden, according to the old-timers, there used to be houses there… I dug stubbornly, like a soldier, from here until the evening, fortunately during my service I dug up a lot, and all because the homemade reacted to everything, traffic jams , nails, files, segments from a combine harvester scythe, an old harrow and even foil… The first day was empty, the second… the third… nerves are to hell… I collected the ferrous metal well, at least I cleaned the field.. And by the end of the third day I am leaving the field , I’m angry, I’m swearing, and it’s already evening and the crickets are crackling, the smell of grass cannot be expressed in words, and also this infection of grass is taller than my height (the village is almost abandoned, or rather the region where my house is, there are 4 permanent residential houses left and two as a summer cottage) , and so I walk and see that I missed the path and went into the neighboring area.. The house there has been abandoned for about 10 years and has almost collapsed, plus traces of a fire, in the spring they burn grass in the villages, so most likely it came to the house. Well, I think before it gets dark, we need to examine the house and what used to be the yard. And what do you think?, that’s right, again nails, bottle caps and other rubbish… after a couple of hours my mood dropped, plus I was very tired, I sat down to rest on an old bucket… So I’m sitting, looking at these ruins and then the memories of the village overcame me , where I was as a child, the house of my grandparents, and I begin to reason, out loud to myself, that all the old people born during the Revolution, who survived the Patriotic War, almost all thought the same and did the same.. And I remembered that my grandmother from each pension she put aside a certain amount of money and mostly it was coins wrapped in some kind of rags and handkerchiefs and placed in the corners of the house, in the red corner behind the icons and on the stove bench, under mattresses and rugs. Well, I see that the roof of the house was burnt, the walls were almost the same (the house was made of wood), but the stove was intact and there was some rubbish from old rags.. Well, in short, I went to clear out this rubbish, and it was already dark, I took out my phone, turned on the flashlight, I'm clearing out the trash and… handkerchiefs and rags, charred, burnt… Without looking at everything in my pockets, I begin to worry about what's there, this is my first, so to speak, major find, there were about 15 handkerchiefs, all sorts of thoughts begin to run, my pulse goes through the roof .. I run home, through the weeds, with my face on thorns with nettles, I run into the house and start raking everything out of my pockets.. And there are coins, all in oxides, soot, some kind of dirt.. well, I think I need to wash them.. I start wash, the excitement grows, the pulse goes off scale, and then the wife is standing over her soul with the question, what is there?, she is also interested.. Coin Stove (Digger's Competitive Story!)Coin Stove (Digger's Competitive Story!)Coin Stove (Digger's Competitive Story!)Coin Stove (Digger's Competitive Story!)Coin Stove (Digger's Competitive Story!) Well, after all this, a couple of days after returning home to the city, against the backdrop of excitement and joy and overexcitement, I was taken by an ambulance in a pre-heart attack state, after the hospital, the money that I saved for the device was spent on drugs, trips to the Capital, then an operation, disability… No, I haven’t calmed down, I still have to search and dig, I’ll only get stronger and go there again for the summer, though again with a homemade product, but maybe I’ll find something worthwhile and buy a normal device or…. Well, in the end: the money of 1749 is worn out to the point of impossibility, the kopeck of 1861, 5 kopecks of 1911 are in terrible condition, and then coins of different denominations from 1924 to 1980. Many coins from the Second World War and the period from 1950-57. There were also Yeltsin ones, but I left them there.. I also found a 10 ruble bill from 1909, how it didn’t burn, I can’t imagine.. I cleaned the rest as best I could, again the Internet helped, I bought a folder for coins, put everything away and I’m saving it for history.. This is the story, don’t judge strictly and thank you for reading to the end.. And I’m not complaining that I’m so poor and unhappy, this is just my story.. Sincerely, Ivan.

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