600kg of Roman coins found in Spain

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While working near the city of Seville (in Spain), builders discovered 19 amphorae containing bronze coins from the 4th century AD. The total weight of the find is 600 kg, archaeologists call it unique for Spain and, possibly, for the whole world.

Amphora, some of which were intact, were found during the construction of the road.

The coins are noted to be in excellent condition. The treasure itself was placed in a special tank filled with bricks and fragments of ceramics. According to the previous hypothesis, the coins were intended to pay taxes to the emperor or to pay soldiers of the imperial army.

Now the coins have already been transferred to the Archaeological Museum of Seville.

This vase was broken by accident.

treasure of Roman coins

We continued to dig and found more…

treasure of Roman coins

And more…

treasure of Roman coins

At the moment, the value of the find has not yet been determined.

treasure of Roman coins

treasure of Roman coins

treasure of Roman coins

On the obverse of the coins are images of the Roman emperors Constantine, Maximilian, Diocletian, on the reverse are various allegories of abundance.

treasure of Roman coins

treasure of Roman coins

Experts believe that the coins were buried completely new, since no signs of use were found.

treasure of Roman coins

And you want to find something like this? Then take the metal detector and head to the cops!

More finds here. Happy coping everyone!

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