Cop as a find (Competitive story of a digger)

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My best find of last season, as strange as it may sound, was the cop himself. It was summer, school holidays — a lot of free time. Having delved into the definition of Soviet varieties, walking around various forums, I came across a very interesting topic. One person posted a bunch of Soviet small items for evaluation, mostly bilons. In the thread, he wrote that he had just arrived with such a catch from the cops. This disheartened me, to say the least. At first I didn’t understand, and asked him. How is it, from a cop? When I found out what he was talking about, my head turned. I have long been looking for a reason to get out into nature and spend more time outside. After all, I usually spent all my free time sitting at home or occasionally walking in the yard. And a walk in nature, while finding pieces of history in the ground, be it an old bullet or a piece of a spoon, was very interesting to me!
Towards the end of August I found funds for a simple Garret Ace 250. This week was the most interesting and active of the entire holiday. Early in the morning I walked along the beach, finding an old walker from Soviets to modern euro-cents, closer to the day I went to the nearest copses, then I did not dare to go into the deep forest. Late in the evening I returned home with a pleasant, «proud» pain in the legs. But I was unprepared for this; I did not have the necessary clothing for hiking and special equipment. As a result, I picked up a bunch of calluses and unpleasant bites of all kinds, but I didn’t regret it.

Autumn came, school time began, full of exams, I had to make a life choice, choose a future profession. Asya had to be left in Latvia, because in Moscow at that time there was no way to move around in any way, there was not even a bicycle. And there wasn’t enough time even for a banal rest after classes.

November came, as always I went to Latvia for a new visa, constant hassle with documents. To my surprise, for some reason there was no money on the card; there was an error in the bank, which took almost a week to resolve. Therefore, I had to sell Asya, who had already become dear to me. It was very disappointing.

And now, a new year, 2017.

I selected and prepared for myself all the necessary ammunition, from a tactical backpack to a special stove with dry fuel from the Czech army. All that remains is to buy a new device, I’m saving it little by little. I devote all my time after classes to collecting information on my native land, Southern Latgale. In all 10 years of schooling, I have not learned so many facts from the history of Russia! Studying old maps, various literature about the life of people in those centuries, I plunged headlong into that world, felt it.

I can’t help but mention the famous “Latgale Pearls”. Three lakes located in one line. I think you will be interested in learning a few facts from their history.

Dig as a find (Competitive story of a digger)The first and largest of the lakes is Lubanas. It is impossible not to mention the concerns of the peasants who lived for centuries near this lake. The fact is that the spills increased its area by 5 times! Back in the middle of the century before last, people struggled with eternal, destructive floods of water. They destroyed crops, washed out roads, water spread across the meadows and could approach the farms! The fight against this problem began in 1926, but the war left this problem forgotten for a long time, and only in 1956 did land reclamation work begin again. Yields increased 2-3 times. Many young forests have appeared. A great place to search, I’m sure you can find a lot of lost items in the area.

Dig as a find (Competitive story of a digger)Second – Lake Raznas.

Dig as a find (Competitive story of a digger)Constitutes 20% of all Latvian waters. The water in this lake is very clean, almost like Lake Baikal. There were many settlements and settlements near the shores of this lake. A place rich in history. Alas, all the land around this wonderful lake has been privatized. Even the island located in the middle of this place, on which there used to be an ancient settlement, is now being sold for 150 thousand Euros…

Dig as a find (Competitive story of a digger)

A cop as a find (Competitive story of a digger)Well, and the last lake, the history of whose name is completely unknown. «Lake of the Prophet Isaiah». Isaiah is the name of a biblical prophet who preached 750 years before his counterpart, the Messiah and son of God, Jesus. Where did Lake Latgale get its name from, ask? Scientists suggest that at the end of the 15th century the first Jewish families moved to the lands of Latgale. They came from Western Europe, where they were oppressed and persecuted. Relocation to this place continued until the Second World War.

Dig as a find (Competitive story of a digger)Dig as a find (Competitive story of a digger) Dig as a find (Competitive story of a digger)

Almost all Jews were sent to camps and killed. A huge number of old settlements remain on the site of old farmsteads. Now there are fields there. 2 years ago, about 10 silver 5-latoviks were raised at one of these places.

Sent by Andrey K.

Comrades, to participate in the competition, send your stories from the cops with interesting photos to email: What you can win in the 2016 season competition? All details about the prizes here

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