Digging Digest, issue 1 (Digging through war and detonating a mine!)

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How can we introduce our readers only to photos and texts, and bypass videos? I don’t believe it, absolutely not! A friend recently went to an old village, picked up about 9 coins, all across the Empire, while I sat and disappeared all this time at the computer. But there was a chance to go and pick up an old golden taler and get a big prize for yourself!

Okay, what am I talking about? Yes, Helmut, it seems, has recruited different guys for his team and is slowly starting to publish videos with his team. Isn’t he afraid to «shine» their colleagues, because they can easily and easily hand over the points to other diggers, and upon arrival Helmut will receive his lunar landscape for the next video. In the meantime, we’re watching, they’re rustling in the forest near St. Petersburg.


A complete set of all the joys of a war hacker — here and climb into the deepest wilds of the forest, take out a rifle, then a couple of «caps» (helmet, who didn’t understand), mines and grenades are in abundance, as usual, and even the glasses are in good condition, just like they were taken from a German rural teacher, whom fate ordered to disappear in the deep forests of distant Russia. Video from P. Herman.


And I wouldn’t advise anyone to do this. Once we were digging with colleagues at battlefields, some craftsmen found an anti-tank grenade and decided to set it on fire. Of course, it burned beautifully and the smell from the burnt tar remained for a long time, but I remembered one story about defects in production, when a pair of fuses were accidentally thrown inside such an anti-tank grenade and one creator of the MMG from this grenade had to fight for his life for a long time. Diggers detonate a German anti-tank mine, video for those who still want to go to the battlefields and «play» with explosives (explosives, for those who don’t know).


Dig carefully and get more iron crosses under your reel!

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