Fair (where to look)

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What is a fair?

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Tired of digging for Soviet coins and nails in the fields? There is a solution — we need to find a fair!

Fair — This is a semblance of a modern supermarket and more. People from all over the area regularly gathered at the fair. It was most definitely a general gathering place where various goods were bought and sold. In those distant times, when there were no shops in the modern sense of the word, household and luxury items had to be made by yourself or purchased at a fair. Livestock and horses were also bought and sold there.

Fair (where to look)

Where to look for her?

The fair was a large area and not necessarily in the city center. It could be an ordinary field near a large village, which has long been deserted.

Usually fairs were held near large churches and estates. This should be a crowded place with an important road fork and the opportunity to water the horses (nearby is a river or pond).

References to specific fairs can be found in periodical literature of the time. As an example, at the end of the 19th — At the beginning of the 20th century, so-called books were often published in the provinces. calendars (annual magazine), which mentioned the name, time and place of fairs on the territory of a particular province. It said that on such and such a date there would be a fair near the church of such and such or the estate of such and such a tavern. Often several fairs were held near large villages throughout the year.

The site of the former fair is replete with coins. There can be hundreds and hundreds of them. 😉

An hour of winter coping at the fair site.

Fair (where to look)


Have a good hunt, comrades! Seek and you will find!

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