How does healthy competition in mining force you to study the settings of a metal detector?

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I don’t want to offend anyone, but, according to my observations, 95% of instrument detecting enthusiasts do not know how to use their metal detector to its full potential. It’s all like in that joke about a chainsaw, “Why do you also need to pour gasoline in there?” At the same time, I admit, I clearly understand that I am part of this very 95%. For example, with my first MD Fisher F70, I spent the first three years using factory settings. But, more about this some other time.

How does healthy competition in mining force you to study the settings of a metal detector?

And today I want to talk about two examples, after which my good and long-time friend in the cops decided that I needed to study the instructions and figure it out myself, and not search on Google for “Favorite settings on Deus”

Introductory notes for understanding: My friend Dmitry, has been interested in instrumental search for more than 10 years. He has good experience and he started, like many diggers at that time, with ICQ 250. Then over time he switched to Deus. And when I joined their team, there were four users with Deus and I was alone with Fisher.

How does healthy competition in mining force you to study the settings of a metal detector?

And here, the comrades had food for thought. When it turned out that, on average, during a day of coping, I score no worse, and sometimes better, than them. You need to understand that before this they were, so to speak, stewing in their own juices. Everyone has a Deus and there is no need to compare it with anyone under the same cop conditions.

How does healthy competition in mining force you to study the settings of a metal detector?

First example: I once found my first open pouch of royal scales. There was a sea of emotions, but that’s not what it’s about. In two days, it seemed to me, I knocked him out completely. Therefore, when two comrades with Deus arrived for the weekend, I naturally shared such joy and, by common agreement, we went to finish off our wallet.

Half an hour the cop is on the spot, I’m digging, scales are coming, I see the comrades are digging. The area is small, we jostle around, but nothing. And then, after half an hour, it turns out that I have 12 coins, one comrade has two, the other has none. How come??? And this is provided that then I was digging on the Fisher F70 with factory settings. If only you knew what miracles this device began to perform when I managed to figure out in practice what a thrashhold is.

How does healthy competition in mining force you to study the settings of a metal detector?

And, again, I won’t go into the weeds, but note that that example greatly encouraged my friend to further study the device settings. Therefore, a year later, when in another plowed field we, or rather my friend, found another wallet of scales, this time Alexey and Mikhail. Well, then he showed me clearly what Deus is for small targets. He made me twice the total.

How does healthy competition in mining force you to study the settings of a metal detector?

Example two. Plowed village. I think there is no need to explain to what level of difficulty in instrumental search the plowed foundations of an old abandoned village can be classified. However, there are a lot of coins in such places. Especially after a good plowing. So, my friend and I often go out in the fall to dig one such village. Just after the potatoes are harvested.

The photos will do the talking next. The first time he and I dug like this. The red rag is my findings. My Friend has Deus and I have Fisher.

How does healthy competition in mining force you to study the settings of a metal detector?

The next year they dug like this. The red rag is again my findings.

How does healthy competition in mining force you to study the settings of a metal detector?

What is the difference? You ask. And the fact is that the defeat the first time forced, again, to study the settings and watch the video specifically on the cop with Deus in the “garbage bins”

How does healthy competition in mining force you to study the settings of a metal detector?

Instead of an epilogue: So, healthy and fair competition in mining forces a person to study his metal detector. And without this there is no way. This year I met a comrade from the Moscow region in a plowed field. He has ICQ 350 euros. The comrade complains to me that he has been digging for five years and has never lifted scales. I looked at the settings of his device, and it has the “Coins” program by default. For reference, in this mode the metal detector cuts off all signals except copper and gold. Ah, a man has been digging for five years.

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