How I Lost My Shovel (Competition Story)

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My friend and I went to a night cop, we were climbing around the area, then my flashlight, which was on my forehead, began to go down, so I sat down and took another one from the briefcase in my hands, turned it on and went. So I’m walking, swinging my club, looking for the signal I need, then suddenly «Bang», the device makes a sound, I think — I need to dig, I look, but in my hand I only have a device and a flashlight. I remember that where I sat down, I put the shovel to the side and didn’t take it, I shouted to my comrades, I said: «I lost my shovel», they laugh — «how did you manage to do so?», I explain to them: «sat down a flashlight, took another one from his briefcase, and where he sat down there was also a shovel».

How I lost my shovel (Competition story)We started to return, but the grass was high, the terrain was unfamiliar, we walked and searched, but never found it. In general, I arrived upset, without any finds or a shovel, but my guys were great, they didn’t let me grieve for a long time about the loss — They bought and packaged another fiskar for me. That’s the whole story. I wish everyone such friends and not to lose shovels!

Sent by Vladislav.


Comrades! And if you have your own story, then until February 7, 2017 we are holding a competition, all the details can be found here! Good signals to the coil!

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