Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

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The most popular question that can be found on the Kopar forums is a discussion of the problem of what and how best to clean coins and other finds. I will tell you about my personal deplorable and repeated experience in cleaning coins some other time, whereas today I want to show the work of my good friend and fellow cop.

Cleaning finds under a microscope with scrapers. These are special small scrapers. The work is long and painstaking; however, it is by cleaning with scrapers that the best and most reliable option for bringing a coin into a collectible or pre-sale form is achieved.

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

It’s also worth noting that last year my friend’s wife gave him a certificate for a master class on restoring household items. So, to the experience and ability to clean with scrapers, my friend added the specialty of restoration and restoration of all kinds of metal objects. And I want to show you what he can do now with clear examples.

Buckle of an Austro-Hungarian infantryman.

I found this buckle in a plowed-up village; by the way, five years ago in the same place the St. George Cross of the 4th degree was found and we even managed to determine the fighter’s full name by the number. I contacted the village council, however, they couldn’t help me; they said that there were no residents with that last name in the village.


Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

Badge for excellent rifle shooting, 2nd degree (casting)

I also discovered this find. It was on the site of a plowed farm. The place there is broken and broken. However, I somehow managed, literally in the second minute of digging, I caught a deep signal, dug, and there, there was such a miracle. It is worth noting that in the next two hours of being at that place, I dug up only two Soviet coins and that’s all. It happens)))

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

2 Pair 3 Kopecks

Another interesting find this year was a rare coin for our area. “2 pair 3 kopecks” This was the kind of money during the time of Catherine the Great, they were minted for the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. So, in fact, it’s not such a rare coin, judging by the price, from 2 thousand rubles. However, I was very pleased with the preservation of the coin itself. In general, the place where I found this coin was very interesting.

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

Cleaning and restoration of coins and finds. The best way

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