How to send coins by mail? (Antiquarian tips+, useful!)

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Copping should be fun. And besides pleasure, for many particularly zealous diggers, digging brings money. Not like they say on NTV, that 150,000 rubles a month, these are fairy tales, but at least some bonus from finds of coins and jewelry on the beach should go to the digger’s family budget. It’s always good to appease your wife with a new fur coat. 🙂

I found a good video about preparing and sending coins by mail. Good advice is given on how and in what form to send, pack and, most importantly, how to ensure the safety of the coin until it is received by the customer who paid you a certain amount, and you probably spent it on the first day!

And if you think that nothing will happen with the parcel at the post office, alas, no, it does, it will be especially useful to look at those who want to send various antiques by mail — It’s better to pay extra and send by courier service.

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