In search of the old highway (Competition story)

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Good afternoon everyone, dear hobby colleagues.
I am sure that many stories with good and beautiful finds will be sent to the competition, but I, in turn, want to tell you about one cop, during which there was not a single discovery, but the amount of adrenaline exceeded all reasonable limits. After reading this story to the end, you will understand why there are no photographs in it (except for those taken on the field). Believe it or not — remains on your conscience. Let’s get started.
In search of the old highway (Competition story) Good day everyone! I heard a lot of stories about various devilry on the cops and was always skeptical about it. No, I usually left gifts for my grandfather, but I did it more as a tribute to tradition than really believing in his existence.
This year the snow fell very quickly here. In the evening there was not a hint of winter, and in the morning nature pleased me with 10 cm of snow cover. The trip was planned and I had no intention of canceling it. The purpose of the departure was the old highway, which was so overgrown that it had been impossible to find it in the forest several times. My path to the forest went through a field, 2 raised hares, which had not yet had time to change their coats, lifted my spirits and I added a step with a smile. The Garmin around my neck confidently led me to the point in the forest I had marked, where I was going to start the search.
I received the first hint that I shouldn’t go into the forest at the edge of the forest. A cracking sound in the underbrush made me stop and light a cigarette. There was something wrong with this cod. A large animal in a winter forest moves slowly in the wrong way. From the animal you can hear the creaking/champing of snow, heavy breathing and TP, anyone who has walked through the forest with a gun knows the feeling of an animal nearby, it cannot be described in words, but the hunter feels the presence. This time he was not there, but there was a strong feeling that no one was around. After smoking and chalking up the cracking sound to a sick imagination or a falling tree, I wandered into the forest. Walking in circles, I did not find even a hint of traces of an animal or a fallen tree or branch. Everywhere there was a virgin cover of snow, which, although it was only a couple of cm, gave a clear picture of what was happening.
Having spat on everything, I wandered on, periodically checking with the navigator, which confidently led me forward. It was about a kilometer to the marked point and, forgetting about the strange sounds, I rushed like a mad saiga towards the goal. After 30-40 minutes, strange thoughts began to occur to me, the dot on the Garmin was not getting closer, I don’t know how to describe it. I’m walking, the navigator shows speed and direction, but on the map the point is not getting closer, but periodically shifts, now to the left, now to the right. I have been walking through the forest since childhood and have a sense of direction, but here I was at a loss. Looking at the clock, I realized that 3 hours had already passed. I sat down and lit a cigarette, strange thoughts racing through my head. The main one was the following – WHAT THE FUCK 3 HOURS, it felt like no more than 40-50 minutes had passed. A couple of minutes. Already starting to worry, I turned on the second navigator on my phone, which, to my horror, showed the same thing as the Garmin.
Having given up on everything, I decided to retrace my steps before the snow completely covered them. After walking along them for several tens of meters, I was horrified to discover that a chain of someone else’s had appeared next to my tracks. Although the footprints were dusted with snow, they were human. These were prints of shoes without heels and treads on soles of approximately 38-40 sizes, I have 46, it was impossible to confuse them with my own. I couldn’t remember when they appeared. All my sanity and lack of faith in all sorts of different things instantly went just below my back. I cannot explain what happened next. I, forgetting about the tracks and the navigator, left my path to the side. Delusional thoughts about a goblin leading through the forest entered my head, and then, in the direction opposite to my direction, an incomprehensible muttering was heard. The sounds came from afar and it was impossible to understand them. Twilight was beginning and with it came fear. Fear, sticky, nasty fear crept under my jacket. Voices in the distance called to you.
As they say — When dying, even an atheist can pray. I don’t know why it popped into my head that if you get lost you should turn your clothes inside out. I don’t remember where I heard or read it, and it didn’t matter.
Tearing off my peacoat, I put it on inside out and walked away from the muttering. Even the magpies that occasionally flew over me blushed from the obscenities that I screamed at the top of my voice. At some point, I realized that the voices had disappeared, and a minute later I fell out onto a field 5 meters from the place where I entered the forest. He ran across the field and was already in the car, in complete darkness, and looked at his watch. My walks through the forest lasted about 6 hours. I had a lifetime of fear and just as much adrenaline. Before this incident, I wandered in the forest a couple of times, once at night in the north, and never once did I have such panic and illogical behavior.
I didn’t tell my wife, but I myself, after a week, I sit and think. I think and do not understand my actions and actions. Was it just the fear of a lost person or really SOMETHING? But I still see these footprints next to mine.

Sincerely yours, Ilya. It happens that I have heard a lot of such stories and even encountered this myself once. Thank you, Ilya I., for the interesting story! Comrades, to participate in the competition, send your stories from the cop with interesting photos by email: What can you win in competition for the 2016 season? All details about the prizes here.

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