MS-3 Z-Lynk Wireless Kit from Garrett. (Review + Test and personal opinion)

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As a survey on one of our blog posts showed, approximately 70% of instrument search lovers have a clear conviction that headphones are not the most necessary thing in the process of digging. And judging by my observations, of the total number of diggers I meet in the fields, 80% go without headphones. Therefore, the consumer niche of this segment of products for instrument search is very promising and attractive for market leaders. So, the appearance on the market in recent years of a large assortment of headphones for metal detectors is primarily due to expected consumer demand.

In 2017, Garrett announced the creation of its own technology for wireless signal transmission from MDs to wireless headphones. The technology was called Z-Lynk and the primary product was MS-3 headphones and a Z-Lynk transmitter module. A year later, the general set of wireless devices from Garrett was replenished with the PRO Pointer AT Z-Lynk pinpointer. The result was a completely harmonious and fully equipped set of three items. Naturally, headphones with a transmitter can be purchased separately from a pinpointer, but buying a pin with Z-Lynk technology without headphones and a transmitter is not a very rational thing to do. Well, unless you are planning a purchase, what is called “for growth”, intending to buy ears and a module a little later.
So. I tested the operation of the entire kit in field and even slightly extreme conditions and here is my personal review of this product.


Pinpointer. In terms of technical characteristics of target detection, the properties of the PRO Pointer AT Z-Lynk are completely similar to the previous model Garrett PRO Pointer II (black carrot). In the new pinpointer, manufacturers added a wireless module, water resistance up to 6 meters and the ability to program modes. Three variations of sensitivity and the same thing, but in silent mode. What was the first unusual surprise for me? This is turning off the pin. If on all standard pinpointers turning on and off occurs with a light short press of the button, then in PRO Pointer AT Z-Lynk in order to turn off the already tight button you need to hold for more than a second. And here’s the catch: if you hold the same button for more than two seconds, the device goes into settings programming mode. In general, an inexperienced user will find it somewhat uncomfortable.
During testing, I learned for myself that the best mode is the second sensitivity program. I don’t know why the first program is needed, but I used the third program more than once when the metal detector began to ghost on wet ground. And in order to check whether it is really a phantom or just a small target somewhere in the walls of the hole, it is very convenient to use a pinpointer at the third sensitivity level.
ATTENTION!!! The pinpointer comes with a battery. And even with this crown it turns on and works. Don’t do what I did, don’t be greedy, buy a new battery and change it in the device. Otherwise, during your first trips you will have very strong doubts and think that you were deceived in terms of quality or that you were sold a defective pinpointer.


Headphones. The only complaint is the futuristic appearance. Honestly, when I put them on and looked at my reflection in the mirror, I remembered the technical staff of the Death Star. In everything else there are only advantages and complete pleasure. Good clear sound with the clearest separation of semitones, and this is very important when you are digging for controversial signals, you need to clearly understand the target – it’s definitely iron or a fading response from something valuable. The headphones are made of high quality from good durable but flexible plastic. The audibility of the outside world in headphones placed on the ears is also not bad. And most importantly, I don’t know what the trick is, but the ears themselves do not sweat when wearing headphones for a long time. With my previous wired headphones, this caused discomfort and certain dermatological problems.
According to the manufacturer, a fully charged battery in the headphones should be enough for 20 hours of continuous operation. I couldn’t check this, because every time after two trips to the field, I put the headphones and module on charge. So it’s not yet clear what 20 hours of continuous operation means. How is that? For example, you can continuously listen to music for 20 hours, or in the mode of periodic sound signals from the metal detector. In general, you can safely give the headphones a solid “A” on a five-point system.


Wireless module. A small black box with one button. The set includes two elastic bands for attaching to the bar. That is, one is definitely in reserve. I think that the developers thought about the fatigue of the material and that the elastic might break after some time, but in my case this is just a backup option in case of loss. So this is a trifle, but it doesn’t hurt to think nicely about the manufacturers. But these are lyrics. In fact, for more than a year I have been looking at Chinese analogues of a wireless module for transmitting and receiving signals to headphones. And I even wanted to order it. But then I saw angry reviews on the forum, it turns out that these same analogues emit a lot of noise from the MD itself or begin to rattle when coupled with the radiation of the device. So, when choosing a wireless module, if you are thinking about it, you need to buy only and exclusively specialized modules.
One of the undeniable advantages of the module is that they just came to me. This is automatic. It often happens that I move from place to place, and therefore I turn off the device along with it and the module. As soon as the device turns on and the first pulse is sent to the wireless module, it automatically connects and begins to send a signal to the headphones. 20 hours of operation on one charge, I haven’t had a chance to check the same yet, but I want to believe it. I'll point it out right away. That the module, like the headphones, takes at least four hours to charge. You can tell when the battery is fully charged when the red light turns off. It simply turns off and this means that charging is complete. And further. It is not yet clear how the module will behave in conditions of drizzling rain or high humidity? Does it need a separate case? Or will I have to wrap it in a bag?


The overall impression from using the entire set is moderate admiration. And this is not the same case with croutons. When for such a price you need to look for taste. Yes, the total cost of the set is approximately 18,000 rubles, which is almost equivalent to the cost of a metal detector at the beginner level. So let’s understand that the product is not designed for beginners, but for advanced and experienced users who do not need to explain how a good branded pinpointer differs from offers from Aliexpress. That good wired headphones for instrument search cost 8,000 rubles. Therefore, good wireless headphones for the same price are an excellent competitive offer.
Who will be interested in this complete kit? First of all, fans of the Garrett brand. The ability to gradually improve your MD by purchasing additional coils, or a wireless module with headphones is a real opportunity not to spend a large amount immediately when purchasing a similar device in which everything is already built-in. Wireless headphones are also a must for anyone who is passionate about and loves forest hunting. The absence of a wire allows you to safely search even in dense thickets. And, of course, the Z-Lynk set will appeal to everyone who loves comfort and knows how to appreciate quality technology in their everyday life.


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