Ordinary hunter’s amazing find. Photos

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You get a cool find out of the hole and say WOW… It’s probably because of this that we dig in the mud –in both heat and cold. See the photos: an amazing item found by an ordinary hunter. He doesn’t know what to do with it.


This is a Greek coin from Kyzikos, its second name is Stater of Kyzikos. These ancient coins themselves aren’t rare. A special feature of Kyzikos coin is the image of a tunny fish. But with such a picture and in such condition… It’s written that, according to open information sources, only three similar coins are known to exist.

The coin is dated to 500-450 BC. Material: electrum. It’s a natural one, refers to minerals. A variety of native gold – alloy of silver and gold. Weight: 16.03 grams.


According to the author of the find, the coin was found with the Garrett AT PRO metal detector. It was a strong response, with VDI 70 – higher reading because of a silver alloy. But the most important thing is that the site was hunted out by other detectorists long ago. An amazing find – it’s fate.

But… The treasure hunter doesn’t know what to do with it. He’s tried to sell it at a clandestine auction asking $24,444. Then he has changed his mind and is already asking for $50,000. At first he was searching for an artifact, now he is looking for a buyer. Everyone has their own destiny ))


Garrett appreciated that find – and gave away a new Garrett PRO-Pointer AT to the hunter.


For more diggers’ finds, see here. Not all of them are gold. There are really the unexpected ones… What about a motorbike or car as a find?

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