The fate of a digger (Competitive story of a digger)

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It all started in the fall of 2015. I bought a metal detector — it became Asya-250! I went and tried it and liked it, but winter has begun! In February, a thaw began, the snow melted, and a few days later I was at the site of one of the missing villages. I walked for a long time and almost to no avail: I found a copper spoon covered with silver and an incomprehensible green belt. I thought it was made of copper. When I got home, I washed the find and realized that I was holding part of a silver wedding belt in my hands! I was in seventh heaven, such a find!

The Fate of a Digger (Competitive Story of a Digger)


One thing was upsetting — there were no plaques on the belt and I was eager to find it! A lot of trips, a dozen square meters of pitting, the whole area covered centimeters by centimeter, and the result was zero! Time passed, the search places changed, there were different finds, so, ordinary Kopar life!

It is already September 2017. My wife and I went into nature, she picked mushrooms, and I — dig, fortunately the champignons grow right on the site of the old village! We collected mushrooms, but it’s difficult to find any — The village has been struggling for many years. We go to the car and about 20 meters short, I catch a signal, a little strange, but I decide to dig. In the summer there was no rain and instead of soil under the shovel there was just concrete. 25 centimeters and I have a forged nail in my hands, my wife is happy (she collects them). We decide to go home. Finally, I check the hole, there is a weak signal. I begin to dig further into the ground, the next 15 centimeters were not easy, I was afraid for the fiskar! Having beaten off another piece, I see a small ring — cross, flashed through my head! His wife is nearby, begging him not to hit him with a shovel! «Cross» standing upright, you have to scrape it out! A few more blows and the silver buckle is in your hands!

The fate of a digger (Competitive story of a digger)


At home the happiness became even greater, the buckle fit the belt perfectly! Those who saw it said that this buckle came from him! But I know that — There are ten kilometers between the finds and they are located on different old roads! My wife said it was fate! Do you believe in fate?

P.S. Three days later we arrived there again and half a meter away I picked up a coin — ort from monists.

The fate of a digger (Competitive story of a digger)


Sent by comrade Andrey A.

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