The first cop in life and in finds – silver! (Competitive story of a digger)

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My adventure into the world of treasure hunting began unexpectedly, I didn’t even think about this hobby!

One day after work, my relative invited me to join me: to walk with a metal detector through a forest near a village. He recently purchased a metal detector from AKA and this was the first step. Like me, he, like me, had not previously held a metal detector in his hands, not knowing that it had any settings, and turned on the device. There were signals almost constantly, we were all digging. The first find was a cartridge case, then a rusty knife, an old iron lighter, buttons, then an open-end wrench and much more iron. This day will always remain in our memory as our first cop, we arrived home happy, and began to show off our finds to our wives. On the same day, I went on treasure hunting forums and read reviews about the devices.

After waiting for the weekend, I went and purchased my first device, a Garrett ACE-250 with a turbo reef coil included. The next morning, the sun had just begun to appear, and we had already left the city. Having traveled about sixty kilometers, we stopped near a village; our attention was attracted by one field, it was in mid-April.

The first digger in life and in finds - silver! (Competitive story of a digger)The weather was very cool then, it was calm, the sun was warm, the birds were singing. We couldn’t travel much, the village road was washed out, so we parked the cars and walked. Having reached the field, we took the metal detectors out of our backpacks, collected them and walked across the field. Having passed this field to the end and having found several plugs and pieces of wire, we came across a stream overgrown with bushes, running along the entire edge of the field; behind this stream, which had also flooded, another field was visible, but not so large and overgrown in places with bushes. It was decided to move to another field.

Having filled our boots with water, we crossed the stream and began our search. The field was flat, it had not been plowed for a long time, there were no traces of life on it, but a ringing signal came under the coil. While digging in the soil, fragments of brick began to come across, and the find turned out to be a button with a coat of arms. Not far from the place of the first discovery, my device again gave a ringing signal. When we started digging, we came across several bricks covered in soot, fragments of ceramics, and a coin. Because of the soot, at first it was not clear what kind of coin it was. Turning it over, I saw the royal coat of arms. This was my first silver coin of 10 kopecks from 1897. In that place we found another 5 copper coins and they were all approximately the same years.

The first cop in life and in finds - silver! (Competitive story of a digger)This is where my story ends. Now it’s winter outside, and like everyone else, I’m waiting for spring so I can continue doing my favorite hobby. I would like to wish everyone good luck in the new season!

Sent by Evgeniy.

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