The story “Girl” (Competitive story of a digger!)

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….She stood silently, lowering her small hands along her small, childish body. Behind her, preparatory work for the burial was going on, equipment was being installed, the sound was being adjusted for loud and solemn speeches, and some bustle was observed. A larger number of people, divided into small groups, talked on various topics; laughter and arguments were heard, as well as some stories about recent search expeditions. The trees, rustling with their green leaves of the correct shape, set the “background noise” to everything that was happening.
The girl stood silently… in front of her there were only four coffins with the remains of 65 Red Army soldiers and this silent height that our soldiers took in August 1943, liberating our land from the Nazi invaders… The silence of the girl at that moment became for me more touching than a thousand words spoken about the dead soldiers. What caught her attention so much, what is she thinking about…?
She stood silently… Above her, driven by the warm August wind, white clouds hurried across the sky, and through them the blue bottomless sky could be seen… That sky under which they lived… and we live. But each of them wanted to live, wanted to love, wanted to meet the sunrise and sunset with their family… none of them wanted to be “nameless”…
Their contribution to our lives is priceless…
Soon, the girl ran away to her mother.
Twenty minutes later, the remains of the soldiers were laid in a pre-dug grave… The dull sound that the earth made hitting the coffins quickly spread throughout the memorial… they were buried… The event came to an end, people wandered in the direction of their homes… There was a silent silence… only the wind He also drove white clouds across the sky and reluctantly ruffled the ribbon on the wreath, which was installed on a small embankment…

The story
Kaluga region. Spas-Demensk. Gnezdilovskaya height.

Sent by comrade Evgeniy Evgenievich

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