XP Deus – does depth depend on noise reduction parameters and speed? (Video+)

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As soon as a digger buys an XP Deus metal detector, many questions immediately arise regarding its settings. There are a lot of disputes around the most suitable settings for a Deus cop, and these battles do not cease to this day. I think they will continue to go further.

Naturally, any parameter in the menu must be checked by increasing and then decreasing its value, only then will it be clear how and what this or that indicator affects. It’s good that there are people who do such tests.

Let’s take a look at the settings shown in the video and how these settings affect the depth and performance of your metal detector.


Reactivity Settings

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This is a very important setting in XP Deus. The setting is adjusted by values ​​from 0 to 5. In this case, everything is simple — the higher the value, the better the device will distinguish between nearby metal objects, the lower the value — the worse and all objects will merge into one signal. Naturally, the depth also depends on this value. The cleaner the digging site and the fewer metal objects on it, the lower the value of the recovery speed can be set, this will give greater depth, but the wiring of the coil must be done more slowly. And vice versa, the more littered the cop’s place is, the higher the value should be set. The maximum value can be set when working on a trash can and pit, for example. It is logical that with a high value of the recovery speed, the depth will be less. How different are the depth indicators when the recovery rate changes? In normal and ordinary soil, this value can be 2-4 cm, depending on the size of the object, naturally.

Noise reduction or Silencer

This is a setting in the expert menu of Reactivity, which is responsible for determining large iron objects, upon detection of which the XP Deus makes a «crackling» audio response. Large iron objects are generally quite difficult targets for any metal detector and not every device can correctly discriminate and identify them, that is, large iron often always gives a strong color signal. In XP Deus, you can control this discrimination of large iron by increasing or decreasing the value of «noise reduction» -1 to 4. The lower the value — the more «quacks» sounds in the audio response, and the higher the value, the less «quack» there will be a response. The recommended value from the manufacturer is level 2. For example, to better identify bottle caps, you can set the value to 4, which will help when searching in littered places, for example — in the park.

On the other hand, as Badger shows in his video — when the noise reduction is set to level -1 or 2, there is no significant drop in depth, maybe a centimeter, but the definition of the object and the signal under the coil becomes more understandable and comprehensible. Likewise with the recovery speed — with a low value of this parameter and with a slightly increased speed of the coil swing, there is a risk of missing a useful signal from an object during a dig and simply passing by.

If you are just starting to study the XP Deus metal detector, then I can assure you — if you went a little overboard with the recovery speed setting and noise reduction, then it’s okay, the noise reduction is always adjusted by the recovery speed level and will automatically be set to the desired level when you change the recovery speed parameter, that is, you won’t set them incorrectly, one setting always leads to another.

No worries!

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