We’ve closed our digging season? It’s still early – the finds are coming! (News from the fields)

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Have you closed your digging season? Isn’t it too early? Although there is already snow in some places, the weather is still like this, either rain, or snow, you won’t understand what! But we have to dig — because the grass has fallen, the fields have been mowed and harvested, in some places winter crops are growing, of course, but in others they are not. So you need to take your tools, shovels and go into the forest! I believe we can do anything! In the meantime, a little motivation in the form of a video selection of fresh cops in November 2017!

For a ruble you can give a like to a comrade!

Khrustalev is digging in the villages again. Now is the time, the grass is already low, the mine opens in those places where they could not go in the summer:

And someone is digging up a war. Now is the time for war, too, there are no midges in the forests, so you can go and dig. Or collect various rubbish from the top:

Haha! With such a top device as Nokta Impact, a beginner can find a lot — but from the video you can see what the result of such a cop was:

Comrade is working on top — I picked up dengue among various German junk from World War II! It happens — the whole history in our huge country is mixed up:

Don’t be lazy, dig, friends! Time passes, and there are fewer and fewer things left in the ground…

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