About the dangers of promoting cheap metal detectors. Well, stop pushing them like… through pipes

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Which metal detector is better to choose??? A question that once tormented me just as it torments many today. Which metal detector should I choose to replace the one I already have? Another no less pressing question for all lovers of instrumental search. But we’ll talk about the second question later, maybe someday. And now about what to do when choosing your first metal detector? After all, in fact, at a certain moment, the question of choice comes down to two positions. Should you buy a device from a well-known brand or order an “analogue” via the Internet from China, but at a price three times cheaper. At least three times cheaper.

About the dangers of promoting cheap metal detectors. Well, stop pushing them like... through pipes

Tempting though.

And, here, everyone has their own choice to make. And the point here is not even that well-known saying that we are not so rich as to buy cheap things. Here, the question is more whether a person believes in miracles or not.

There are interesting meetings on the mine

When I was choosing my first metal detector, of course there was a temptation to order something cheaper from Aliexpress. But life once, once, taught me. I had my own deplorable experience when I decided to choose my first tablet. And what? I understand computers, how Atlon differs from the branded “Penka”, I understood quite well at one time. So, why not buy yourself a cheap budget tablet? I selected the necessary parameters, I see that it is two times cheaper than its analogues. And, God bless the company, it’s some kind of leftist one, what if this is a new breakthrough in the style of Steve Jobs???

A month later, I was in some Moscow back street, looking for a service center. The only service center in Russia where equipment of this particular brand was repaired under warranty. The repairman looked at me like I was wretched and said that he wouldn’t fix it, because this was not a warranty issue. To my indignation, he answered me indifferently and calmly.

– Do not agree? Do an independent examination, come to us and we will tell you that such an electronics brand no longer exists and the contract with us has not been extended. This is a typical situation; such companies exist for no more than six months. And they conclude contracts with such service centers for no more than six months. They trade for six months, then I change the name and legal entity.

Well, that was a blow to my pride. And it wasn’t so much the money I was sorry for, although it was important. What was depressing was the feeling of understanding my own stupidity multiplied by inflated self-esteem.

I know that all sorts of domestic homemade products and Chinese analogues of branded metal detectors in our country have a large army of fans and adherents. And, I often met such people in the field and communicated with them. People are different, someone sincerely believes that they have drawn a lucky ticket and, behold, it is a miracle of engineering. Someone honestly says that he goes to the field to dig not for the sake of coins, but as a hobby. And, someone began to furiously prove that his device was many times better than mine and showed photos of this season’s finds on his smartphone.

There are interesting meetings on the mine

I don’t even understand excuses like I bought a cheaper metal detector to understand how I like this hobby. Well, it’s like buying old Soviet plywood skis and trying to figure out whether you like mountain slalom. Any hobby involves certain costs and this hobby begins to provide pleasure only when it has its own achievements. And, in instrumental search, as in other types of active hobbies, the result depends on the user. From his ability and skills, from experience and perseverance.

But don’t, I ask you don’t, foam at the mouth to prove that some homemade homemade product, or semi-handicraft Chinese fake, can be better than a good, tested, verified and guaranteed branded metal detector.

And I will remain completely silent about my deplorable experience of buying a cheap pinpointer. Nothing to tell there)))

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