When you are blown away by a find – a war cop, a Luftwaffe harness (news from the fields, video+)

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Everyone has the concept of «treasure» denotes something of its own, its own and separate. For some it is a treasure chest, a stash, a scattered wallet in the open, and for others it is a «treasure» This is a found German trash heap or dump. A cool video where Asechnik (a digger with Aska) digs almost into a trash heap, finds various interesting Hans things and household/war items, and as a result of all the happiness he picks up Lyuftov’s yarn — Luftwaffe. Save the norms, look at the screenshot:

Cop in the war to lead from the fields find the Luftwaffe yarn

Wash, clean and it will shine like new!

I found similar ones, but, unfortunately, they were not preserved in such a way that the buckle could be put on a shelf to make all the guests jealous.

And all the videos and other «news from the fields» I collect here. Share your videos too, we will publish all the most interesting ones separately!

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