A coil discharged & XP Deus doesn’t see it. What is to be done?

0 49

There are cases when the XP Deus doesn’t see the coil. For example, if the latter was completely discharged before. What is to be done if the XP Deus doesn’t see the coil.

I will provide an example. The XP Deus of my friend had been lying around for a long time. The remote control and coil had been fully discharged. But we successfully charged them, switched the XP Deus on and… the detector didn’t see its coil!


We turned the machine on and off (many times) – no result. We deleted the coil and reentered its serial number. The remote control didn’t see the coil, as if it hadn’t been present at all.

The XP Deus has no hard reset – neither on the coil nor in the remote control. We tried to reinstall the software (version 3.2). The result was the same: the coil in standby mode and the machine didn’t see it.
The solution came by chance… We put the coil on charge and switched the remote control on. And the XP Deus saw its coil at once! We took the coil off the charger and then it was operating as usual.

The XP Deus is an excellent device. By the way, do you know how to make two detectors from one XP Deus? Have you seen an impressive fake of the latest XP products? But what I like the most is one photo of the XP Deus where the metal detector shaft is made of wood. Great! Good finds to everyone!

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