A quick method for determining the value of scales. Useful advice for diggers

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Good mood to you, dear readers of our blog. Let's discuss today the topic of determining the value of found scales in the field.

Metal detectors are becoming better and more affordable every year, and as a result, novice diggers are increasingly faced with the dilemma of identifying scales. Since our blog is read by diggers with different levels of experience, let me explain – scales are small change coins of the medieval period in Rus'. Thanks to the Internet and numerous forums, it is not so difficult to find out and determine the rarity, and therefore the value, of a given coin. Another thing is that in thematic groups or blogs, scale specialists are already tired of answering banal requests for mass scales. And there are more and more such questions and requests.


Another example of the fact that you need to understand at least a little about the topic yourself is a story that happened five years ago with one of my acquaintances, a digger. The comrade successfully entered a plowed field and dug up a plowed bag of scales there. Fifty coins. I immediately took pictures of the finds on my mobile phone and posted them in the relevant forum for identification. Ten minutes later they contacted him in a personal message with an offer to sell all the coins for 60 thousand rubles. Moreover, the buyer was ready to come to the place and buy everything for cash. We negotiated for 80 thousand. The buyer actually came to the field indicated by the comrade, fortunately it was not so far away in the Moscow region, paid for the purchase in cash and left. The next day, comrade, on the same forum they offered to buy these coins in bulk for 300 thousand rubles.

It's clear? I think it would be useful to understand a little about the topic of varieties of scales. Therefore, I will share my method.


First. All scales can be roughly divided into three main types. Horseman with a sword (saber), horseman with a spear and imitation.

Imitations or specific scales. If you cannot read anything on the scales, not because they are worn out, but because there are incomprehensible lines and scribbles, then this is either a specific scale or an imitation of the Moscow principality. Such coins need to be treated with care; they can cost good money. Do not try to bend or rub them or inflict any other physical violence. Carefully put them away in a hotel bag, in the wrapper of a pack of cigarettes, or behind your cheek, as your ancestors did. The last option is ironic, but the message is clear.


Horseman with saber, denga saber. If you pick up a coin and there is a horseman with a saber on it, then you need to turn it over to the other side and try to read the name. If it reads “Ivan”, then in 99% of cases this coin costs no more than 50 rubles. But, if the coin doesn’t read Ivan, but something in general is not clear, then it (the coin) can cost good money and it makes sense to send it to specialized forums or groups on VK for identification. The main thing to remember in this case. The story of the same comrade that I brought as an edification.


A horseman with a spear, penny money, aka a penny. Such coins began to be minted after the reform of Elena Glinskaya and were in use until the monetary reform of Peter the Great. A large period with a considerable number of rulers and minted courts. What do you need to understand here? Large scales of 0.71 grams can cost money, everything small – money, half a ruble, Romanov kopecks, all this costs no more than 50 rubles apiece. You need to be very careful about money from the period of troubled times. For example, the Tsar and Grand Duke of All Rus' Vladislav Zhigimontovich. Did you know about this? Neither did I, until I picked up a penny with his name on it. The money of Shuisky and Godunov and all the False Dmitrievs may also be worthy of special attention. In order to sort them out, you need to remember the middle names of one and the other and the third. Ivanovich, Fedorovich and Ivanovich again.




Cupcakes with a bird. If you cannot see the rider on the coin, but you see some kind of crooked line there and this coin is slightly larger than a match head, then you have found a half with a bird. As a rule, they cost practically nothing, the same 20-40 rubles, very, very many treasures were found and sold at half price, but still worth laying out for identification. There are rare options.



You can also separately remember Peter’s kopecks with the date of minting . As far as I remember, and I’m too lazy to Google, starting in 1697, coins with a date began to be minted in the Moscow Kingdom. The date was not in numbers, but in letters, and was not always stamped on the coin. Such coins are more expensive than similar Peter’s money. Moreover, knowing the date, you can see for yourself in catalogs how much such a coin might cost.


This concludes the brief guide to scales. If it was useful and interesting, please like it. And subscribe to our channel so as not to miss other equally interesting notes and publications.





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