A successful cop with a homemade metal detector Pirate (Competitive story of a digger!)

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Hello everyone. I started treasure hunting quite recently, just a couple of months ago. A workmate bought himself a metal detector and I was inspired to buy one for myself too. After studying the forums and YouTube, I decided to buy myself a device. But I was surprised by the prices, since in my city the price of a device is like a salary. I wasn’t upset about this and decided to make myself a homemade metal detector. And now my metal detector is ready (pirate)!

First of all, I decided to try my device in the village. My Grandfather lived there. He said that it was built by the priests, after the revolution. I decided to start with the garden. I was terribly surprised that someone was sowing aluminum wire on purpose. She came across literally every step. I have already collected 5 kg of aluminum and I came across the first coin, late advice. After which I decided to go to my neighbor’s garden. I called him, told him this and that, and he gave the go-ahead. I turned on the metal detector on his territory and immediately received a signal. As soon as I dug, I immediately hit something solid. Having moved literally 15 centimeters away, I dropped another drop, which I immediately regretted, as I got into the wire. I didn’t understand where he was going, but I cut out 15 cm of wiring from a neighbor. After walking for another hour, I decided to get ready, since there were no more finds.

A successful cop with a homemade Pirate metal detector (Competitive story of a digger!)


That same evening I contacted the seasoned diggers and persuaded them to take me with them. The next day we went to the place. They didn’t yet know what kind of device I had, but when I took my cover off, they all started laughing. Well, they laughed and to hell with them. Everyone began to disperse to their points, I walked along the landing. For two hours I dug nails and all sorts of necessary crap, regularly hearing the laughter of the comrades, but after walking just a couple of meters, luck stopped laughing and turned to me! I found my first billon. In just an hour I raised 15 billions. After I picked them up, it became noticeably quiet. I looked around and saw that the comrades were walking around looking thoughtful, so I decided to ask them later. During this day I picked up 37 coins (17 silver) and one ring.
When they gathered at the car, they told me that with a pirate, the chance of finding such a number of coins was one in a thousand. They had many times more finds, but now I’ll definitely try to save up for a new device!

A successful cop with a homemade Pirate metal detector (Competitive story of a digger!)

I hope to buy it by spring. Otherwise, with a pirate, you don’t look much like him!

I hope that luck has not abandoned me now and will help me in the competition)))

Sent by Alyoshka

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