Badge “For Excellent Rifle Shooting” History of the Find

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Instrumental search — This is an interesting and exciting hobby, including because it forces the digger to study the history of the finds he has found. And sometimes this very story can be very interesting and exciting. This was the case with the medal “For the Suppression of the Polish Revolt” that I found.

Read on our blog: The story of one find. Or, perhaps the stupidest rebellion in the history of the Russian Empire

Today I want to tell you about the history of another discovery of mine. “Badge for Excellent Rifle Shooting” I found this sign on the site of a settlement of the early 20th century. The detection depth was more than a fiskar’s bayonet. It is understandable, the find itself is almost the size of Catherine’s 5 kopecks.


The badge “For excellent rifle shooting” for lower ranks of infantry and cavalry was approved on the basis of the Highest personal decree of Emperor Alexander II of May 10 (May 22), 1879. Until 1909, the badge had only one degree and was made of bronze.


The badge for excellent rifle shooting was awarded to the best shooters of the regiment based on the results of field shooting. I was unable to understand how exactly these best shooters were identified. Was it a competition for the best according to the Olympic system, or to receive a badge it was enough to score a certain number of points (points). However, the Marksmanship Badge was reportedly one of the most common badges among the lower ranks of the Army and Navy.

The badge was issued once, therefore, over time the question arose of how to reward excellent marksmen in shooting those who became such for the second, third or more times in a row? Since 1909, the badge has been approved for excellent rifle shooting in three degrees. 3rd degree, white metal sign. Here I don’t understand, is it made from iron or something? 2nd degree from yellow metal. It’s clear here – bronze, copper, brass. And 1st degree in silver. This sign is a collector’s dream.



The established way of wearing the signs of the three degrees is very interesting. They were supposed to be worn on the right side of the chest, fastening all three signs with a chain. This is what it looks like in historical photographs.





And then I began to wonder what the fourth sign of this handsome man is. If anyone knows, write in the comments.



Of course, the question arises, how much such a find is worth now? In good restored or cleaned condition, a badge for excellent shooting costs up to 3.5 thousand. In my case, you can get up to a thousand rubles for a find. And, it’s a fair price. As mentioned above, the badge “For Excellent Shooting” was one of the most common in the army and navy of that time.

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