Teknetics G2+ – review of the device, tips on setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)

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My recent acquaintance, Kamrad, took Teknetics T2 at the beginning of the season. A good device too, I hope that someday I will find one among the comrades who live nearby and with whom I can go and dig and write an interesting review on the topic of this device and write all the secrets that the comrade will tell. I hope it will be soon. 🙂 I already wrote about the advantages of Teknetics in an interesting comparison post with the Grater 705. However, I found another device in my hands, also Teknetics, but not T2, but Teknetics G2+. The new device, the 2015 model, is very fresh, high-frequency (which is interesting), fast and has many bonuses. So let’s begin!

Teknetics G2+ - review of the device, tips on setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)Why Teknetics devices are interesting for diggers?

I thought about this question after several exits with Teknetics G2+. In principle, this applies to all metal detectors from this manufacturer:

  1. Teknetics metal detectors are very lightweight. I have never seen a device from them that weighed more than 1.3 kg. Weight on the dig = your ability to dig more and longer, which = more finds. 😉
  2. Simple menu. You don’t need to set them up too much and constantly worry about whether you made the right settings or whether you forgot something? This way, the fear of passing by the desired find is lost, especially if you were worried at the mine, standing empty, and the comrades around you are already digging for coins. It was, yes? Metal detectors are very easy to set up and use.
  3. Excellent weight balance of the device. It is not enough for a metal detector to be light; it must have the correct weight balance. This makes the digging much easier and leaves more energy to dig up more finds.
  4. Quality. Overall the quality is good. Problems happen, as with any electronics, but they are resolved quite quickly. At least in my experience.
  5. Search characteristics. Yes, when a metal detector has many advantages, there must be some disadvantages somewhere. We’ll talk about them later, but the search characteristics here are also at a good level. Depth? Sufficient for searching so as not to dig trenches, but also not to miss interesting finds. Main — identifying an object at maximum depth. Here Teknetics is among the leaders. And for me this is important — you have seen how other devices throw good finds into the black signal at the maximum depth ? So after that, go to discrimination! Teknetics provides greater confidence that a silver coin will be imaged correctly by sound and VDI at a depth greater than most detectors. This is the main thing.
  6. And one of the most important qualities for me — speed of work. Gives a signal about a find and immediately shows the VDI of the object — It’s all Teknetics! For a trash can, the best option is — a smaller coil and the device will not go blind.

Teknetics G2+ - review of the device, tips on setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)

Complete and assembly of the metal detector

I already wrote about the Teknetics G2+ package earlier: review of the metal detector kit. The kit is simple, and assembly of the device is very easy, no screwdrivers are needed, which is a big plus at the very beginning. It happened that I lost bolts and screws during assembly, it happens. I want to assemble the device quickly and on a dime, but this won’t happen here, three parts (block on the rod + 2 lower rods) and one coil, everything is assembled and fits easily into a backpack (in a 65-liter Bundeswehr backpack, for example, it’s easy to find in any uniform and equipment store). The device is powered by one 9V battery, you can take the battery and forget about buying batteries in the store, just charge everything on time and you will be happy.

Teknetics G2+ - review of the device, tips on setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)

Cop with a metal detector and finds

The end of the last season has already ended with the device and the new season has begun, in 2017. High frequency and that says it all. Works great on metal and plastic and small coins. And here I strongly recommend using it for antique digging to get out antique crosses, jewelry, various household items and buttons, but also a great option is to walk along the beach with it. The frequency is 19 kHz, with this frequency you can already pick up gold chains on the beach. It may not be deep, but most devices with a lower frequency will not notice them and will miss them. And a good chain, especially a gold one, already costs good money. 🙂 So during the season you can pay for the device several times, especially if there is a «fat» to lost and found beach. I have, as soon as people start sunbathing, I will immediately come in the late evenings or early mornings, while everyone is sleeping and not looking. Well, it’s not so hot outside.

Teknetics G2+ - review of the device, tips on setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)For example, I spent a couple of hours walking around in the old days on one plowed field that we clear out every year. It brings a lot of finds, after each plowing, but I decided to run through it for the second time in a month and took Teknetics G2+ with me. Finds were found this time too. 2 copper Swedish coins (17th century), a pair of antique buttons and, most interestingly, — I found a very old women’s jewelry that is more than 1000 years old! This is a small needle on top, with a loop on which a thread with different decorations was tied. Such needles were threaded into everyday clothing. A very interesting use case, but a thousand years ago people did just that. 🙂

It’s interesting that no matter how many times we walked in that field, these finds only came to light now.

Garrett Z-Lynk: first field test (works as it should!)I already wrote recently about Garrett Z -Lynk, paired with Teknetics G2+ it works great — there is no audio delay. Now this is my permanent set for a cop.

Now I will wait for new exits, because there are still a lot of lost small things in the fields, like small silver medieval solidi, various crosses, belts and other decorations. This device will still show itself in metal-plastic!

How to set up the Teknetics G2+ metal detector?

The device is very easy to set up. The device has a volume control, which is a big plus. 🙂 You don’t want the surrounding residents to hear your work? Turn down the volume!

I use the following settings: discrimination level — 0, V-Break — 35, sensitivity 85-95, Notch — 0, volume is usually 15-20.

Why so?

Teknetics G2+ - review of the device, tips on setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)At discrimination 0 we walk like on all metals. This gives us increased depth (the discrimination cuts the depth very much) and we can hear all the signals clearly. Of course, if you are digging in a trash can, you can set the discrimination and cut out unnecessary signals, but for searching in a field or on the beach, I always go at the discrimination level of 0.

Teknetics G2+ - review of the device, tips on setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)In headphones, I set the volume to maximum, at 20, and then just adjust the depth to headphones. This way I can raise the volume a little if the signal is weak and barely audible in order to catch it and make a decision — dig or not.

Teknetics G2+ - review of the device, tips on setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)V-Break at 35. Why? It’s simple — gold is a treacherous metal, and although this device shows ferrous metals up to level 40, and non-ferrous metals above 40, I lower the tone of the color signal to level 35, because it’s better to dig up one more time and suddenly hit the jackpot on gold, than to pass by on discrimination or simply be too lazy to dig up once and lose the best find of your life. 🙂

Teknetics G2+ - review of the device, tips on setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)Notch. We don’t cut anything out, we set it to 0. Any signal in a field where there are few signals is interesting to us and can bring interesting findings.

Teknetics G2+ - review of the device, tips on setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)Sensitivity, if the grass does not interfere and the device does not emit noise, then I set it to a high level — above 90. Often all 96 or 99. I definitely won’t miss an old scale with these settings. 🙂 I wish you many more finds!

Teknetics G2+ - review of the device, tips for setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)

A fresh coin caught on the device. 🙂 Medieval Swedish creation of 17th century coin masters!


Actually, there is one drawback that currently affects many Teknetics — coil mounting bolt. Sometimes, if you don’t keep an eye on it, you can lose it. I lost my vigilance and on one of the cops I found a fastening bolt right in the hole, which I dug up and looked with a coil. I checked again and noticed a bolt. 🙂 It happens. Otherwise, a little complicated ground balance adjustment — You need to turn the knob out of the discrimination mode into the Threshold mode and only then start making adjustments and then return to the DISC MODE again. But you get used to it quickly.


Teknetics G2+ - review of the device, tips on setting up and how to use and search (and how to find gold!)My summary — The device is worthwhile, it’s worth the money and you should buy it. Yes, it is not for an ordinary war cop, for example, it is a high-frequency device that allows you to collect even more finds from the fields where other comrades with their instruments have already walked several hundred times. Most of our devices still have a frequency of 7 kHz — 14 kHz. Here we have all 19 kHz. Of course, comrades will soon arrive with new coils for Deus at 55 kHz, but until that time comes we have a chance to collect more finds from Teknetics G2+. I recommend the device, it finds finds, works quickly and once again does not strain the digger’s brain with unnecessary settings, and this is important! 🙂

I liked the review? Look for a new metal detector? We collect all reviews here! Look, there are reviews of metal detectors, and reviews of pinpointers, various digging accessories and other interesting things useful for a cop!

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