The most unusual, atypical and interesting encounters with diggers in a plowed field

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Another positive feature of instrument search is the opportunity to meet interesting, eccentric, funny and sometimes even strange people in a plowed field. Personally, for all the time that I have been interested in coping, I have accumulated about a dozen such stories. I want to tell you the most interesting ones now.

Red evening dress. It was in August of this year. Somehow I decided that I needed to check out one of my favorite fields. This field was once the best place for coin digging in the entire area. But nothing lasts forever and every year there were fewer and fewer coins. The field is located right on the side of a busy road and every year the local farmer leaves it fallow. Therefore, during the three summer months this is not a field, but a digger’s dream; the field is regularly cleared of weeds, which makes it look like a sea beach after low tide in August. So, on the weekend you can easily meet ten, fifteen, or even all twenty silhouettes with a metal detector in their hands.

The most unusual, atypical and interesting encounters with diggers in a plowed field

So I decided to dig in the evening, when the summer heat had noticeably subsided. The main thing is to spray well against mosquitoes. I’m walking across the field, digging wire, one coin and that’s it. I see a young guy walking in the distance, well and stylishly dressed in a tourist style, and on the side of the road there is, to put it mildly, an expensive car. I moved in his direction, but he moved away, which means he was not in the mood to talk. So we walk around looking at each other to see who is digging how many times. And then, I look up and see, as if a mirage. A girl in a bright red dress walked like a phantom along the soft sandy soil. Deep neckline, waist and hem train.

The girl walked from the car that was standing on the side of the road to her boyfriend. She walked next to him for a while, trying to understand what he was looking for with this metal detector and why it was more interesting than herself. Then she started pestering him, there were hugs, hot kisses and most likely hints of something hotter. However, the guy held on and, taking his beloved from his neck, stubbornly continued to walk across the field with a shovel on his shoulder, waving a metal detector. Then came the expected scandal, hysteria, loud shouts to the public, and our phantom in a red dress, not so gracefully, went back to the car.

The most unusual, atypical and interesting encounters with diggers in a plowed field


Kopatych.Those who watched Smeshariki? remember the funny character and eternal gardener bear Kopatych. Here, approximately the same character appears in our plowed fields outside the village. What a digger usually looks like? Camouflage, or “gorka”, military style for the villagers, or travel style for the urban ones. There is definitely no other option. And here, I’m walking across the field, digging up scales and other debris, and I see a comrade walking along the very edge. Yellow Dutch farmer style straw hat, blue plaid shirt and blue halter overalls. Moreover, overalls are not what our employers give migrant workers. There was, whatever you could eat, a real American jumpsuit made of cotton, or, in our opinion, denim.

It looks like someone just stepped out of a photograph of an American advertisement for the farming lifestyle. And to complete the look, he had leather boots with wide soles and a small garden shovel. It’s a small one with a handle and even a handle, but the blade is as wide as a child’s scoop. This guy is definitely not one of ours, not from the locals, most likely some kind of summer resident. I tried to talk to him a couple of times but to no avail.

The most unusual, atypical and interesting encounters with diggers in a plowed field

Dream Girl.Well, what would our story be without romance? It was about five years ago, then I was divorced, which means I was free, like a falcon in the sky. So, driving past one village, I saw that the field there had been plowed up and was again fallow, which meant I could wait for the “suitcases” to start rolling and come and dig for coins. That’s what I did, I arrived a month later, the field was covered with disks, I went digging. And I see that I’m not the first here, the place turned out to be dug. Moreover, thoroughly and methodically. These are the ones who succeeded so much before me?

The preservation of copper in this field upset me, which is why I reached for the car. I’m walking like this, I see a white Niva drive up, a female figure gets out of it, takes out a metal detector and goes for a walk across the field. Naturally, I changed my course and approached.

The most unusual, atypical and interesting encounters with diggers in a plowed field

We get together and a typical conversation for such a case begins. Hello, what have you dug up, and where else are there good places, and what, like your metal detector??? I’m standing there and feel like I’m starting to float. Beautiful girl. A blonde with a braid on her shoulder, blue eyes that you won’t notice if you drown in a forest lake. The figure is beyond praise and, most importantly, he speaks competent Russian, which is an incredible rarity in rural areas. And also a metal detector – Deus. But, then I also have MD that’s not great – Fisher Limited black.

In general, she says something there, and I’m already imagining our family life together. Naturally in style – they lived happily ever after. And, no matter what she said several times, she has a husband. My husband is not a wall, I can move him, I know how to look after him beautifully. We exchanged phone numbers, let’s go to the cops together. Yeah, come on!!!

It just somehow didn’t work out, there’s a long story there, so I’ll leave this particular phrase “it didn’t work out”

The most unusual, atypical and interesting encounters with diggers in a plowed field


Wife, go get some beer. Ah, this story is just about those who have grown together. July, heat, plowed field, can’t breathe, dust. But the thirst to dig drives him further and further into the field. I’m walking and I see two figures walking in the haze of heat. I took a closer look, as if there was only one with a metal detector, and who is the second one? As they come closer, I understand that there are characters worthy of Scandinavian sagas.

The guy who is a berserker is naked to the waist, sweatpants with stripes and flip-flops on his dirty feet. A girl in a washed tracksuit, sneakers on her feet and a black plastic bag in her hands. We said hello, got to know each other, and it turned out that this guy was local, his house was at the edge of the field. And there are panel high-rise buildings. Naturally, he “controls” from the window of the apartment so that strangers do not climb into the field. Like, I’m the one watching everything here.

Well, he recognized me as a local, of course, I’m twice as big as him in mass, then the instinct of self-preservation will work for any “observer”. Then there were the typical stories about how he finds portrait silver here every day, gold rings and other little things. “Katkin sold the ruble in May, the boys and I were buzzing for a week”

The most unusual, atypical and interesting encounters with diggers in a plowed field

And then, just in passing, this guy decided to demonstrate his main superpower. He defiantly extended his hand towards his wife, and she, like the faithful Piglet, briefly waved her head and took out a two-liter bottle of beer from the bag, unscrewed the cap and handed the container to her husband in working order. In general, Piglet was figuratively very similar to his wife. The same awkward figure with a large butt disproportionate to the body, narrow eyes on a wide, cheeky face.

The guy loudly took a sip of cold beer. Yes, yes, despite the heat, the beer was cold, as evidenced by the perspiration on the bottle. Then he offered me a drink, but I politely refused. First of all, because tuberculosis is the most common form of the disease among such citizens.

We separated and then, for another three hours, I watched this couple from the side. How, during this time, the wife ran towards the house twice for another bottle of cold beer.

The most unusual, atypical and interesting meetings with diggers in a plowed field

Well, I somehow got lost, but there are still a lot of stories left. This is you, if interested — write in the comments. I will definitely continue the topic. Yes, you can tell your stories, it will be interesting too)

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