Cop on an abandoned estate (Competitive story of a digger)

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Good day, fellow comrades! I want to tell my story as a cop.

I’m still an inexperienced treasure hunter. This spring I bought my first MD. After a long, painful choice between Aska 350 and Terka 305, I chose Terka. Things didn’t work out right away with the cop. My first trip was to an extinct village, where the skeleton of a church remained from the village. I thought that I would now accumulate a bunch of coins, but no. I didn’t even find a poo, just a bunch of shell casings from the Civil War.

Dig in an abandoned village (Competitive story of a digger)I changed the strategy, started studying maps, and went to one tract. And disappointment awaited me there too. Arriving at the site, I saw a “lunar landscape”; the entire field had been dug up. After walking for 3 hours, having dug up a lot of ferrous metal, enthusiasm began to disappear.

Dig in an abandoned village (Competitive story of a digger)

Once I was talking with my father, talking about my “successful” cops, how he began to tell me about one estate that was located in the forest, how they played on its ruins as children. He told me how to get to her. This is where my story begins.

Having reached the computer, I began to study satellite images to find the supposed location of the estate. After I decided on the place, I plotted the route on the map and printed it out. I prepared for the expedition, charged the batteries and set off early in the morning, at about 3 o’clock.

Most of the road was asphalt; difficulties arose when I had to move onto a dirt road, because my car is far from an SUV. I had to drive about 10 kilometers on dirt, and when I approached the river, it just dawned on me that there was no way I could cross the river. Having abandoned the car on the bank, I found a bottleneck and crossed the river. I had two options. Through the forest, it’s about 3 kilometers and around the forest, about 5 kilometers. Of course, I went around. The time was still early, the places were deserted, so I met various wild animals on the way. When I got there, I immediately realized that I was not mistaken with him. There was a small alley of trees. The brick was filled. House pit. Three old spruce trees grew next to her. Having collected the grater, I began the search. It lasted for about 15 minutes at most. In the thickets of nettles and raspberries I heard noise, crunching and grunting. I tried to scare the boar, started screaming, knocking on the wood with a shovel, but this did not lead to anything good. A noise, a crunch, a grunt began to approach me. Immediately finishing the cop, I rushed to run towards the road, a grunt cut me off, thereby forcing me to retreat back to the river, but only through the forest. After five minutes of running, I began to walk quickly. This is where my coping ended. I had two more attempts to get to this estate, one with my father, the other with my brother. Of these, we were only able to reach once. Having arrived with my father, having spent an hour and a half there, I found only two coins, and only soviet ones, 5 kopecks from 1930 and 20 kopecks from 1937.

Dig in an abandoned village (Competitive story of a digger)Let my cop was not productive, but I will remember it for the rest of my life. The emotions that I experienced, what I experienced this morning, it defies description. Of course, next year I will try my luck again in this place, only having already prepared for everything and with a little experience under my belt.

Don’t judge me harshly, I wrote it the way I could. Good luck to everyone on the cop!

Thank you, Vladimir, for the interesting story!

Comrades, to participate in the competition, send your stories from the cops with interesting photos to email: What you can win in the 2016 season competition? All details about the prizes here.

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