Cop on the banks of the Thames has become paid

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Cop on the banks of the Thames has become paid

Not so long ago, the London authorities decided to collect money from citizens tinkering with or without equipment in the mud on the banks of the Thames. This kind of pastime at a roasting place is called «mudlarking».

Now the cost of this attraction is 32 pounds sterling per day, which at the current exchange rate is about 2,400 rubles (December 2016 exchange rate). Steep discounts have been made for citizens who sit tightly on a dirty river mine — 75 pounds for three years (!), i.e. about 5600 rubles.

The logic is clear. If you’re a visiting tourist, you shell out 32 pounds and dig around to your heart’s content throughout the day.

In addition, it is strictly regulated where you can search and where you can’t, and where to call if you discover a treasure or a separate archaeological artifact.

To obtain a permit, you need to fill out a two-page application, pay a fee and take a passport photo. A completed application form with a photo and payment slip is sent by mail to your address or email. All detailed information is in English on the Port of London website (here).

The application processing time is at least three weeks.

Read more news here.

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