Do legends, stories and gossip help you find treasure? Stories of personal experience))) Treasure, dream and dumplings.

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Well, tell me, who doesn’t dream of finding a treasure??? And the question here is not about some vague craving for freebies and the desire to get rich in an instant. Although, to be honest, this is precisely the hidden dream of finding hidden treasures somewhere, once upon a time.

I won’t make long and boring introductions, I’ll move on to stories from the history of personal experience.

This story happened about four years ago, then I was divorced and why this detail is in the story, you will understand, but everything is in order. One of my sources of income in the village is carpentry. So it won’t be difficult to find my phone number in the village. So, people call me to tell me what they need. However, this time the call was not quite ordinary.

A certain woman called and the conversation went from afar. So, they say, they know that I have a mine detector (and this bothered me a little). In general, briefly, the woman said that she had already had the same dream several times. In the house that her grandmother left to her, she finds many gold coins in a dream. The dream is very vivid, in details and the place in the house is always the same. Window near the red corner.


At first, I tried to refuse, saying there was no time. It seemed to help, but three days later the call was repeated, and then a week later. As a result, we came from the other side, called my mother and she, unobtrusively, hinted that it would be nice to go there and look for treasure. At that moment, I would have wondered what reason my mother had for this matter? But, as always, in my thoughts I didn’t pay attention to such little things.

I arrived at the woman’s house, I walked into the yard and I was immediately like, where should I look for treasure? The house itself was dismantled about ten years ago, and now the owner has dreams and her grandmother scolds her in her sleep, saying, why was the house dismantled, the treasure is here, the gold is here.

I walked the metal detector around the area littered to the brim and explained to the owner that if we were to look for something here, we would have to dig a hole deep into the entire basement. And, in that place they already have a lawn and a flower bed with a dozen varieties of flowers. In general, I was too lazy to dig anything there, it was stupid. And the hostess, as if this was exactly what she was waiting for, waved her hand, like “oh well,” and offered me dumplings to eat. Her daughter came over on the weekend and made three trays of dumplings.

M.m.m. Dumplings? My favorite dish. Since childhood I have been partial to dumplings. How can you refuse? I go onto the summer veranda, and there is a white tablecloth on the table. It was as if they were expecting a dear guest. I sat down and eat. And the owner keeps praising her daughter to me about how good she is, how she knows how to cook, how to do housework, and how hardworking she is, but she has no luck with men in life. Where can you find normal men in the city???


In general, you guessed what kind of treasure I was supposed to find there???  In the end, the cunning and strategic plan of the two mothers failed due to the fact that the daughter (the treasure) ) it was not agreed upon in advance. And she has her own plans for life in the city, and so, I’m unlikely to fall for dumplings alone. Although the dumplings were really tasty.

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