Encolpion with cloisonne enamels (digging the surrounding forests?)

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Familiar comrades hardly walked through the harvested fields this fall. Why did they lose interest in places that, although they had been knocked out, gave something after plowing? And the answer was simple: the comrades switched to searching in the forests. The forest is a place that is difficult to find with a metal detector – small bushes get in the way, mosquitoes get annoying in the summer, you can’t sniff around every tree with a coil, so you can’t follow the terrain. And if the forest is huge, then you won’t be able to survey it even in a few years.

And finds from forest areas are sometimes amazing. This is how a digger just now, with his metal detector, pulled out a small cross 27×35 mm from the times of Kievan Rus between the branches.

Encolpion with cloisonne enamels After cleaning the object from centuries-old dirt, it became clear that he had raised not just a cross, but an encolpion in gilding with cloisonné enamels.

Encolpion with cloisonne enamelsSuch encolpions are rare and finding even one is a great success.

Encolpion with cloisonne enamelsThis reliquary cross unfortunately ended up with losses. The enamel has crumbled a little on one side, and the hinge with the pommel is completely lost.

Encolpion with cloisonne enamels

Encolpion with cloisonne enamelsNoticing the absence of ears, the next day the digger returned to the same place in the forest. After wandering around and digging up all the black signals, he found some more CR items, but the missing encolpion parts were never found.

Encolpion with cloisonne enamelsHow much could a collectible KR encolpion with gilding and cloisonne enamels cost? Digger also did not know the answer to this question. Therefore, I offered my find at the lowest price.

Encolpion with cloisonne enamels152 people watched the auction, but only 7 bids were made, which determined the final cost of this work of art. $750 is the amount for which the digger parted with his find.

And you are digging in the surrounding forests? I have one, everything makes me think that I should dig in it, there must be some good finds there! But there will also be garbage…. And I collect all the good finds here, come in, there’s a lot of interesting stuff there!

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