First experience with electrolysis (cleaning silver)

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For the time being, I was skeptical about electrolysis. I considered this method of cleaning antiquity barbaric. Nevertheless, I decided to try it out.

A silver coin of the USSR with a face value of 15 kopecks from 1926, silver fineness 500, was chosen as a test subject. The patient’s condition was depressing — he was more dead than alive. A blackish coating was observed, which had previously been soaked a little in citric acid. In addition, there was stuck rust on the reverse of the coin.

As for the installation itself, it is extremely simple. An ordinary unnecessary telephone USB charger with a power of 5V, 1A was taken as a current source. The USB cable was removed by me. I googled that the current flows through the red wire, «ground» on black. For convenience, I took two thick copper pieces of wire (brown and blue, «plus» and «minus», respectively) and two «crocodile clips».

In a bowl, I diluted a tablespoon of baking soda in water and stirred thoroughly. Instead of soda, regular table salt is often used. Metal utensils must not be used!

Next to «plus» I hung a silver crowbar in the form of a heavily chewed royal 10-kopeck coin. Near «minus» our patient was admitted. Do not short-circuit the circuit under any circumstances; you may burn the charger. After connecting the unit to the network, you will immediately notice bubbles on both ends. This is a good sign that electrolysis is working. Water releases hydrogen, so try to ventilate the room.

It is also extremely important to remember that the «patient» must be at «minus»! An object suspended from a «plus» mine began to actively deteriorate and become covered with a blue coating, which, I believe, is due to the use of baking soda in my case. The process itself is in the photo.

First experience with electrolysis (cleaning silver)

I kept the installation in working order for about 20 minutes, after which I disconnected it from the network. During this time, the coin became covered with a thick black coating. I cleaned this plaque with an ordinary toothbrush and water. This is what I ended up with. Not bad for the first time.

What do you think about electrolysis as a means of cleaning coins? I already had such an experience?

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