Gold Rush in Africa! Large pieces of gold weighing 1 kg or more! (it’s hot!!)

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Here you and I are digging up all the corks on the beach, and the pull tabs from cans in the forests and fields, yes? And in some places, in Mauritania (you know that country?) there is a gold rush right now. Locals lift pieces of gold directly from the ground, and not just some small ones weighing a few grams, well, dozens there, fifty grams, but no, they lift pieces of gold weighing almost a kilogram! I didn’t believe it until I saw it myself. And, naturally, I will share the photos sent to me with you, colleagues and comrades. I don’t feel sorry, I’m not greedy, let them raise the gold, we will continue to look in our lands for the gold of the Reich, the gold reserves of the Russian Empire, the gold of Kolchak, the Mongols, Genghis Khan, Napoleon. Yes, there are so many golden finds hidden in our open spaces.

So, studio photo:

Gold rush in Africa cool metal detector finds

It’s not enough to say that this is a good find. The pieces of found gold were thrown into one pile. Just like we throw a shmurdyak, but only this «shmurdyak» it will cost its owner a good and round sum.

Gold rush in Africa cool metal detector finds

And here is the famous piece of gold itself, from which it all began. It is said to weigh almost one kilogram. One kilogram of gold, unreal! I can’t imagine receiving such a signal and digging up this miracle. How much does it all cost, interesting?

Gold rush in Africa cool finds metal detector

I wish I could raise something like this — Once I dug with a shovel and already changed the car!

Gold rush in Africa cool metal detector finds

Mauritania is a fairly large country in Africa. And you can go there to dig in many places. The population is relatively small — Almost 4 million inhabitants, and the country borders Mali and Senegal. Maybe the fever will spread there too.

What a local metal detector shop in Mauritania looks like, selling Nokta and Makro gold detectors:  Gold rush in Africa cool finds metal detector


Gold rush in Africa cool metal detector finds

A bunch of local future diggers.

Gold rush in Africa cool metal detector finds

And they are only looking for the Nokta AU Gold Finder, one of the new 2016 devices from Nokta.

Gold rush in Africa cool metal detector finds

Where would we be without training? These guys probably held a plow or a Kalashnikov yesterday, and today they are already mastering a metal detector. Everyone wants gold and money. Local detector sellers invited specialists from Nokta/Makro to conduct training for locals. Everyone needs money, so producers also stepped up.

Gold rush in Africa cool finds metal detector

«Miracle stick looking for gold» — Probably these are the thoughts that come to these guys. It’s funny, Africa is like a completely different world, it’s hard to imagine how people live there and all their traditions are different.


As far as I know, in addition to the Turks, other manufacturers of metal detectors are now actively moving to Africa. Fisher, Teknetics, Garrett — everyone wants to grab their piece, if not from gold, but at least from sales of detectors. Not everyone will find gold, but everyone will buy themselves a detector, nothing personal — just business.


More gold under your belt and if you find it difficult to tear yourself away from your chair and go to the cops, then you will find more motivation here.

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