How can instrument search enthusiasts survive the long winter???

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For those fans of instrument search who did not go through the stage of acute withdrawal in the winter during the first two years of their hobby, reading this article will be uninteresting and, one might say, even boring. Then, this note is dedicated to those who have gone through winter withdrawal or are now experiencing all its delights.

How can instrument search enthusiasts survive the long winter???

Abandoned, I won’t describe what and how, I think that every more or less experienced digger has enough of his own stories on the topic of abandoned. So, I want to tell you one of these. The story is not mine, so in the retelling on behalf of the listener, I can lie, but I think it will be unnoticeable.


Winter, New Year's holidays, two of my comrades, being in an extreme degree of withdrawal symptoms, decided to go dig in an abandoned village. So that this one has been in mind since the summer. We agreed, got together, met and went. They arrive at the place and realize that from the cleared road to the village there are only three hundred meters across the field. What is three hundred meters??? Yes, nonsense!!! The Muscovites said and walked across the field knee-deep in snow.

instrument search in winter

After twenty meters, according to the postulates of the theory of evolution, insights began to come to them. If you follow each other and take turns changing, it will definitely be easier to walk. After a hundred meters, the first thoughts began to come under the general heading “Oh, WHY???” And Kortnev’s face. Having walked halfway, we decided to take a break, smoke, drink coffee from a thermos, and talk about life. At the same moment, the realization came that there is as much going back as there is forward. At two hundred meters we regretted not turning back when we were in the middle. Two hundred and fifty meters state of consciousness is the Buddha level, the fifth stage of enlightenment. They got there and then, according to the law of the genre, they were simply obliged to forget something necessary and important in the car. Thank God we didn't forget. But there was no more strength to dig the abandoned land. We drank some tea, fiddled with the instruments for half an hour, dug out two plugs and just as heroically went back to the car.

winter cop on the farm

Drilling through foundation pits. This topic saved me for two years. Indeed, or I was lucky then, but it happened that the ground under the snow did not freeze in those years. It was enough to come with a snow shovel to clear the area where the ancient foundations stood and dig. It’s even possible in a residential village if you come to an agreement with your neighbors. The main thing is that the road should be well-trodden in the snow to the very point of digging, otherwise see the option above.


Learn equipment, watch videos and study maps. Every blogger knows this – winter is a time of increased demand for thematic content. Why not? During the long evenings, you can not only watch in vain as fake treasures are dug, but also use maps and personal experience to put points on promising places. And, I want to tell you that this activity is no less peaceful and calming than trimming a bonsai tree or arranging stones in a samurai’s garden. I don’t know about bonsai, I haven’t tried it, but it will probably be like this)))

In winter, specialized forums, smoking rooms and chat rooms come to life. Therefore, any beginner can receive the necessary information in a short time, and not, as is usually the case, in three years. And, winter is also a great time to sort through summer finds, see what can be cleaned, spoil the coins and then stuff them into a panel at the “third-grader’s labor lesson” level, after which place photos of the panel in thematic VK groups and wait for likes.

How can instrument search enthusiasts survive the long winter???

Fly to warm countries or just go south. I once met some comrades from the Krasnodar region in a field. I was surprised at them: “Oh, what are you doing here??? You have a crossroads of civilizations there, I don’t want to dig, from the Scythians to the Second World War.” And they answered me: “So we have nothing left to dig, the fields are empty. In winter, for three months while the fields are plowed, half of all the country’s diggers graze.” I don’t know if this is true or not, maybe the guests from the south were so poor that the locals wouldn’t drive them away. Anyone in the know and on the topic, please write in the comments, it will be interesting to hear your opinion(s)

But, with flights abroad, in order to dig on the beaches there, you need to have not only good motivation but also a financial base. And, also, you need to clearly study the law of the country where you are going. For example, in Saudi Arabia, you can dig and search with a metal detector on the beach freely and without problems, whereas if you go beyond the boundaries of the beach, by law, your right hand will be cut off. You need to know that everything that lies in the desert – oil, gas or a lost coin – is the property of the king. Oh, stealing from a king is wrong and is punishable by cutting off your right hand. So, if you want to return home in the same configuration as when you arrived, I recommend reading the laws.

Here, it seems, I described all the options on how to survive a long and boring winter without your favorite hobby. If you have any other options, please share with our blog readers. Well, I wish everyone not to be depressed – spring is coming, there are only two salaries left.


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