Instrumental search is a hobby that combines the factor of chance and the principle of regularity.

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I think many lovers of instrument detecting have heard or read the axiom that it is not a metal detector that searches, but a person. And, on this matter, there are two polar opinions. Some people agree, yes, that’s the way it is, I can confirm it myself, and others, including me, believe that a good device is the main guarantee of a successful and effective cop. Well, let's try to understand this topic.

Instrumental search is a hobby that combines the factor of chance and the principle of regularity

Let's look at two situations. Here, for example, is an intelligent person with a technical education and high motivation to be a cop. But, he has a very mediocre and budget metal detector. And, on the other side of our example, a person, let’s say, has a narrow mind and low motivation, but at the same time he has a good metal detector of an average price category. Who do you think will have higher performance? From the point of view of the mathematical model, their performance will be the same.

However, their potential will be different. A digger with a high motivation will always be limited by the technical properties of his metal detector, while for a person with a low motivation and level of knowledge, everything depends on that very motivation.


So what is all this for???

And, besides, this is a typical model of thinking, when a lover of instrument search begins to think about whether he needs or does not need to buy himself a new device. It is clear that the female part of the family in this case takes a radically negative position of protest. Like in that joke. Why do you need new shoes, you haven’t worn your skates yet. And, in general, this year we need to change the greenhouse at our dacha.

So, this is where the same thing comes to mind: “It is not the device that is looking, but the person.” Well, if this is so, then okay, then the greenhouse is more important.

Where did this opinion come from? From the general practice of a cop in the company of friends. I am convinced that absolutely every company of diggers has dozens of stories when a comrade with a cheap and simple metal detector found a rare and expensive find, exactly in the place where his comrades with expensive and sophisticated devices had gone before. And, I remember such stories from friends and friends of my friends. There is nothing unusual about this.


And, it’s precisely stories like this that become the very argument for us, like, why do we need a new device if everything depends on luck and our skill. Oh, we have so much skill.

However, all this is just a factor of chance. I was lucky, lucky, somehow it turned out that way. That is, those indicators that I and many diggers do not believe in. Or you just need to perceive those very cases as some kind of pattern against the background of a large number of statistical indicators. And so, undoubtedly, the main factor of “luck” and “fortune”, and in fact, an effective cop, is a good device, a device that is not difficult to understand, of course, if there is a desire for it.


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