It is not the device that digs, but the person. I show you what it looks like

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I think that each of you, dear readers of our blog, has heard this phrase. Yes, you may also have heard about the notorious principle of forty hours of experience. If not, then I will explain. There is a belief that in order to become a skilled MD user, you must first find forty hours of positive experience. Oh, and many of you smiled when you heard about the forty hours of experience. But now we will not talk about experience, but about how a person can understand who he is, where he is, and what he is generally doing on the field with a metal detector in his hands.

Once again let’s say the phrase “It’s not the device that digs, it’s the person who digs.” And I want to show you clearly with the finds how this law of digging looks in absolute terms.


Background. Two months ago, a good friend of mine came to a neighboring village for the summer with his children. In their family, the wife earns the money, well, it happens that when the question arises of who should work and who should look after the children, they choose the parent with the highest salary income. Therefore, in the summer, dad came “to the village” with the children. Last year he borrowed MD from me a couple of times and he really liked coping as a hobby. So, this year, I gave him my old Fisher F-70, and the man began to ride in that same plowed field in the morning, while the children were sleeping. There was only one condition for “renting” the MD – to regularly take photographs of the finds.

And now, I ask you to check out his cop reports. Each photo is about 3-4 hours of digging.





Well, I think it’s clear and understandable. What and how a person spent time in a plowed field. At the same time, I will not post, for comparison, photos of finds that I raised in the same field, but digging with a different device (XP ORX). However, today, as part of a test experiment, I decided to walk a little around the same field myself with the same Fisher F-70, with absolutely the same settings as before.

And this is what I managed to dig up today in four hours of digging.

It is not the device that digs, but the person. I show you what it looks like

For the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that such successful days do not always happen, and today could definitely just be lucky. And yet, as an example, you can understand that the field is normal and the device is good, but the results of different users are different.

So what is the reason? Where is the dog buried???

To simply say that this is an experience, like I hear those signals that my friend could have missed. No, I won’t say that, but the reason for such a difference in results is very banal. My friend walked around the field swinging the device like a beginner golfer. The reel is almost at knee level, and the trajectory is like a meter-long smiley arc. If you think that I didn’t tell him (my friend) about this? Said. He repeatedly spoke, babbled and exhorted in a vile voice. But, it was enough for ten minutes and then everything continued as it was more convenient for him.

And I see such diggers in the fields regularly. From the outside it is very obvious. I am even ready to declare responsibly. That there are no less than eighty percent of such golfers among the total number of diggers. To be honest, I like these statistics, and even make me happy. It’s very nice to dig mentally and efficiently in places trampled by competitors.

Draw your conclusions, our dear readers, and remember, the one who digs well is not the one who has the most sophisticated and expensive MD. And who knows how to use this metal detector?

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