Klim Zhukov about the destruction of the Shcherbinsky settlement. Video analysis and analysis of the current situation

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Right away and right away, I want to express great respect for the creativity and scientific work of Klim Alexandrovich. I watch his videos on YouTube with great interest. Here, the other day, I just finished the first part about the Tatar-Mongol invasion. However, and this can be pointed out, if the topic of the video goes beyond the professional knowledge of Klim Aleksandrovich, it is difficult to watch such a video. Therefore, I ask you to consider this note not as criticism, but in the format of my personal opinion on the situation.


So, for those who are not in the know about the situation, I’ll tell you a short background story. In mid-October of this year, in the Moscow region, the owner of a land plot carried out planning work on his site using a bulldozer. That is, he leveled the site. As it turned out, on this plot of land there was an ancient Slavic settlement of the early Iron Age era.

Here are quotes from the website of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “The Shcherbinskoe settlement, as a standard textbook monument of the Dyakovo culture, was included in basic textbooks on the fundamentals of archeology, including the modern one edited by. V.L. Ioannina. Therefore, for all archaeologists and historians of our country, this ancient settlement is well known and its complete destruction over the weekend is a challenge to the entire archaeological community of the country.”

Please remember this quote, because it will be very important later


Thanks to the attentiveness of local residents, activists and bloggers, the incident received great publicity in the media and the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation took control of the situation. However, a month and a half passed and the story slowly and quietly faded into the information shadow.

What is truly ordinary on the one hand is surprising on the other. If you open and even briefly read the database of court decisions on similar articles, you can see how in other similar cases criminal cases are promptly and immediately initiated. Almost half of the criminal cases under Article 234.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Damage or destruction of cultural heritage objects” are cases against graffiti artists. Young guys (girls) use a spray can to draw simple squiggles on the walls of buildings. Suddenly, it turns out that the rear ones are OKN, within a couple of days the culprits are found, a criminal case is initiated without any problems, and as a result, from two years probation to a fine of 300,000 rubles.

And, in the case of the destroyed Sherbin settlement, a month and a half has passed and there is, in general, no information anywhere about the initiation of even an administrative case.

razrushenii-shherbinskogo-gorodishha< /p>

However, in order to be objective, I would like to clarify that the website of the Main Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Moscow Region contains information about the events carried out so far. In particular, the Shcherbinskoye fortification will soon receive the status of an OKN, work has been carried out to establish boundaries, a statement to initiate a criminal case has been sent to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region, and archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences have examined the destruction at the fort. So, the bureaucratic machine creakingly spun its rusty gears.

Now we can, in fact, move on to the review of the video itself, which prompted me to study this issue. Klim Aleksandrovich, with all due respect, such material needs to be prepared better. Even Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin) several times, as a former investigator, asked specific questions about specific culprits or those responsible.


In our case, all ends on this case go to the same Main Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Moscow Region. Because it is there that they are responsible for the protection of all identified archaeological sites in the Moscow region. According to the law, this Department is obliged to inspect all identified objects of archaeological heritage on the ground every three years.

And, if you send a journalistic request to the State Department of Cultural Heritage of the Moscow Region, when was the last survey of the archaeological monument Shcherbinskoye fortified settlement ??? carried out, then they will not give an answer to this. Simply because the system for recording archaeological sites is such a mess that no one knows what exactly needs to be inspected on the ground.

Here is an example of a typical list of identified OANs, these are also registration cards of archaeological objects. Do you think it is possible to determine the location of the security zone from this data???


A few words in defense of the owner of the land plot. Klim Aleksandrovich, you placed all the blame for what happened on the director of Robmetallstal LLC, Hovik Chagaryan. Without even assuming that a person who has worked for 10 years in the construction services market in the Moscow region is unlikely to consciously commit such a crime. The person probably has extensive experience and understanding of the need to prepare and obtain the necessary documents.

Please note that, according to the current legislation, when registering land ownership, the registering authority was obliged, in writing, to notify about the presence of an identified OAN on a given land plot. For some reason, I am 99.99% sure that no such notice was issued. Why am I so sure? Well, you yourself saw what the registration card of the identified OAN looks like. And, the boundaries of the Shcherbinsky settlement and its belonging to a specific cadastral number of the land plot were established just a week ago. And this is precisely the systemic error due to which dozens of archaeological monuments are destroyed in our country every year.

Thank you very much to everyone who read to the end. The material is complex, and a lot had to be cut. If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer in the comments.

I had already finished the note when I searched and found something interesting on the topic.

“Statement of the Moscow regional branch of VOOPIiK in connection with the destruction of the Shcherbinsky settlement”

The current system of protection of cultural heritage sites in the Moscow region has not ensured the safety of the ancient settlement, as well as many other similar objects.

The main link in this system, according to the law, is the Main Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as GUKN). The most important direction in his work must be the accounting of monuments, and with this the GUKN big problems. One and a half thousand archaeological heritage sites located in the Moscow region have been listed as identified for years. And monuments with full status – objects of cultural heritage of federal significance – for the most part do not have approved boundaries of the territory, no regimes for its use, no subject of protection, much less zones security.

This is a small quote, the full text can be read at the link.

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