Medieval golden noble (photo+)

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Noble — This is the name given to the first mass-produced English gold coin. The word itself translated into Russian means «noble» or «noble». The very name for the coin coin breakout is over 900 gold! 😉

The home-grown medieval conversion system equaled the noble to six shillings and eight pence or 80 pence or 1/3 pound sterling.

This magnificent coin dates back to 1344-1346 during the reign of King Edward III and was minted by subsequent kings for over a hundred years. The inscriptions on the early coins were as follows. On the obverse with the image of the king with a sword and shield on a ship: EDWAR DGRA REX ANGL Z FRANC DNS HYB («Edward by the grace of God King of England and France Lord of Ireland — Edward by the grace of God king of England and France, the ruler of Ireland»). On the reverse: IHC AUTEM TRANSIENS PER MEDIUM ILLORUM IBAT («But Jesus passing through their midst went His way — But Jesus passing through their midst went His way») — quotation from the Gospel.

And what is all this for? Literally today we picked up such a wonderful coin in Foggy Albion! The price is at least 2000 euros, although usually much higher. Attached photo:

So keep in mind, if you haven’t got snow yet and the ground hasn’t turned to stone from frost, there’s no reason not to go digging! Be bold and discoveries will follow!

Read on about the most interesting finds!

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