Metal detector Deus 2. The season is over, time to take stock

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Looking ahead, I will say that there are a lot of topics and reasons for discussion. from which I will try to be brief, as brief as possible, as brief as the very essence of the note allows.

Well, the Kopar season has passed in central Russia and it’s time to sum up the results. And, my main result can be called the fact that it seems, after all, probably, and with a high degree of probability, I began to understand how this same Deus 2 works.

I’ve been doing instrument searching for a long time and have already replaced my fifth metal detector. It’s scary to say how much real experience there is as a cop in the old days. On average, there are up to two hundred trips per year to dig up antiquities. I live in a rural area, so I can calmly, depending on my mood, or desire, or at the end of the sabbath, take a metal detector and, after driving five to ten kilometers, go out to dig for coins in a plowed field, mown meadow, or pine forest. So, I think it will be difficult to suspect me of lacking experience and understanding of the operating principles of metal detectors.

Enough of the lyrics, let's get to practice. I would like to make this note in a fairly popular style of presenting product reviews. Pros and cons, satisfied, annoyed.

XP Deus II

Minus. Perhaps the main disadvantage of the second Deus can be considered its price. Now this device with the unit and WS 6 headphones costs a little more than one hundred thousand rubles. In February, due to a different ruble exchange rate, it, in the same configuration, cost 150 thousand. Which, of course, is gratifying to understand, however, that it’s still a hundred thousand is a hundred thousand.

On the other hand, the high price is part of very thoughtful marketing and advertising of the device. And, marketers in this situation worked above all praise. Let us remember that before the second Deus entered the market, for almost two years, metal detector manufacturers did not release a single worthwhile new product to that same market. There was a pandemic, a sharp decline in demand, all global manufacturers of metal detectors decided to shrink, save money and hold back new developments. And then, suddenly, the company XP Metal Detectors announced the start of sales of such a long-awaited new product.

Such a high price added a lot of information noise, and in the meantime, the demand for metal detectors for pre-orders exceeded the company’s production capabilities. I don’t know how long the manufacturer has shipped ready-made metal detectors to the warehouses of regional dealers, but I can guess that sales are going much better than the XP Metal Detectors marketers themselves initially predicted. This information is indirectly confirmed by the fact that Minelab decided to repeat this trick with the launch of its new Manticore metal detector to the market. We'll see if they can repeat what XP Deus did soon based on the pre-order statistics.


Plus. I want to add to the box called “indisputable advantages” the capabilities and abilities of Deus to work in mega-littered places. Ah, namely plowed foundations. In the nearby area, I have two villages and a separate whole street in a large village, which is now a field and is plowed twice every year to a depth of almost half a meter.

I, along with comrades and other competitors, have been hitting, digging and tending these locations for five years now. And, every time after the next plowing, these places delight not only with dozens of early tips but also with interesting rare finds. Like the cross of St. George, the sign of the volost judge or the signet ring of the volost head.

It is clear that coins and other interesting finds are not an unlimited resource, which is why interest in these places is getting less and less every year. On the second or third trip, with the new Deus, I decided to check how the device would behave in littered areas. I won’t describe in detail and in all the enthusiastic epithets the full process of the cop. I can only say that the previously knocked out places began to sparkle with new finds and good digging signals.


Minus. Let's call this unjustified hopes. Of course, we are all waiting for breakthrough technologies, the wow effect and the joy of owning something perfect. It is clear that at the start of sales, the new Deus cost twice as much as the first, and because of this, many users who bought such an expensive metal detector had hopes that, now, I would dig twice as many coins. These hopes did not come true. There were twice as many coins and other finds. And the previously knocked out places turned out to be just as hopelessly empty.

On the other hand, as it turned out during several trips to previously knocked out settlements, there are no finds there not because the new Deus is no different from similar devices, but because the cultural layer in such places has its own limit to the depth of the mainland. The depth of the finds is the size of an ordinary fiskar. Everything in such places is knocked down to absolute zero.

And yet, I will express my thought and many will support it. I really want a metal detector for such a price to somehow more clearly justify this very price. And this wish applies not only to XP Deus 2

XP Deus II

Plus. Sounding of signals. Deus were previously famous for the specific sound indication of signal discrimination. In most cases, one might even say in the overwhelming majority of cases, the MD user makes a decision to dig or not to dig this or that signal, precisely based on the sound signal. Occasionally looking at the monitor when the sound signal is controversial.

What they did in the new Deus with the quality of voice acting is difficult to explain in words. This can only be understood by digging around with this device, in the “polyphony” voice-over mode, for a couple of months in different locations. Now I am 100% sure that it is a coin that lies under the coil in the ground, and not a vodka stopper or a vaccine. I don’t dig up vaccines anymore, unless it’s out of boredom. It has absolutely its own specific sound signal. But in order to remember it, you need to dig out two or three dozen plugs.

In general, the updated voice acting in polyphony mode must be recognized as the best update in XP Deus 2. But, again, this can only be understood after long and persistent practice.

This should also include the fact that now iron always signals like iron. Even if it is looped, if it is deep tin or a piece of cast iron. In the new Deus, when voicing polyphony, even the most phantom iron at the edge of the high signal produces a low “quack”. And, if there is any doubt, then when the coil wiring angle changes by 90 degrees, the signal tone definitely goes into iron discrimination. This is why I haven’t dug up a single link from the shitty MTF throughout the entire season.


This is how it turned out, a brief but, to the point and based on practice, analysis of the capabilities and behavior in the natural environment of robbing the XP Deus 2 metal detector

In conclusion, I want to say that I fundamentally do not watch or learn to use a metal detector based on the advice of some top bloggers. It often happens that people there are mistaken, and their mistakes become your mistakes for a long time. I like to study the capabilities of my metal detector through my own mistakes using the variability method.

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Metal detector Deus 2. The season is over, time to take stock

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