New from CORS Labs – Cannon reel (what’s in the box)

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CORS Cannon

Greetings, friends!

I got a new coil from CORS Labs for my new Ac 400i. There is no reason to go with stock. I am writing about what is included and about my first impressions of this product. Next, everything is in order.

As for purely characteristics, they are as follows:
Size — 26.5 x 37 cm.
Weight — 530 g.
The coil, as well as the wire from it to the block — waterproof.

The sticker on the working surface indicates that this reel has passed field tests.

CORS Cannon

What I found in the box: the cable reel itself, protection, rubber seals and a mounting bolt with nut, a strip of «Velcro» for better fixation of the wire.

The manufacturer swears to us that the reel can be used in the tail and mane without protection, but I didn’t fall for it and immediately put it in place. Fits perfectly, doesn’t fall off.

I immediately noticed the hinges reinforced on the third side. Now it’s unlikely that they will be able to be broken off. Thank you for this, of course.

The photo below shows a comparison between the stock (left) coil and the new Cannon coil from CORS Labs.

CORS Cannon

The length of the wire from the coil to the block is too long for my untrained eye. It’s something of a curiosity. The original wire from Asya is clearly short, but this one is too long. If your backpack is as dusty as mine, there is a special cap for the wire for this case, again a plus sign in the basket.

We’ll see how the new reel performs in the field. Stay tuned!

CORS Cannon

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